My mission is to guide
spiritual & creative women
in business
to connect with their power
& fulfill their sacred mission at this change of ages 

  * Embark on a heroine's journey with the Venus Cycle.

  * Discover the qualities that connect you to your feminine essence.

* Activate your Inner Heroine to increase your trust in your inner guidance.

  * Learn to sync with Venus to experience a REBIRTH in your business & your life.


Start the process to access your deepest feminine wisdom and find the clarity to actualize your big visions!

Connect with the perspective of Venus Wisdom 

Catch up on the latest blogs

Deep Scorpio Strength Seeds Sagittarius Dreams

Oct 19, 2024


Jul 13, 2024

Venus in Pisces with Neptune Dreams

Apr 13, 2024

Praise for Venus Wisdom

I have been on the receiving end of Sasha’s Venus Wisdom for over a year in group settings and in various private sessions and syncing with Venus has changed EVERYTHING including how I orient my life and business (launches, branding and more), and how I tend to myself and my relationships.

Sasha’s guidance goes both broad and deep, and is always on point. I have so many “aha” moments and take pages of notes each time, which I then integrate into my days and decision-making. Orienting towards Venus has been a paradigm shift for me and is coming naturally now more as I connect with her in the sky. It just feels… right!

Sasha’s understanding of Venus is unique and embodied, and she generously shares her mastery in an easy to understand way. I am so grateful to be able to apply this intelligence in my day-to-day and to use it as a tool to reclaim my power. My presence has become bolder, more confident and clearer — and my visions bigger and wilder in the most beautiful way.

Catarina Andrade
Intuitive Business Mentor & Management Advisor for Mystics and Spiritual Entrepreneurs


The One Who is at Play Everywhere says,
There is a space in the heart where everything meets.
Come here if you want to find me.
Mind, senses, soul, eternity - all are here.
Are you here?

~ Radiance Sutra #26


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Praise for Venus Wisdom

"I’ve just experienced my first session with Sasha and words cannot describe how profound it was! It was far more than a reading, rather a meditative and coaching journey between the cosmos and the earth where my birth chart and my Venus placement was the key to unlocking my souls story.

Everything Sasha shared was so on point, it was as if she knew me better than myself, all this just through my Venus placement! Sasha’s calculations of my Venus Star differed to what I had learned through other modalities. When she explained her interpretation of my Venus Star I had goose bumps all over my body, it resonated at a deep soul level."

~ Denise Kennedy
Business and Life Coach

The One Who is at Play Everywhere says,
There is a space in the heart where everything meets.
Come here if you want to find me.
Mind, senses, soul, eternity - all are here.
Are you here?

~ Radiance Sutra #26


Receive your free Venus Map gift and Venus Wisdom updates delivered to your email inbox.

🔒 We value your privacy and promise to never share or spam your email. (Updates are sent about twice per month)

The Beauty & Strength of Venus

The Solar Feminine energy was birthed on the planet in June 2012, and continues to be anchored as we move into the Age of Aquarius.

Symbolically Sun and Venus meeting is the union of Love and Spirit, Eros and Heart, Divine Masculine and Sacred Feminine.

The Solar Feminine is the embodiment of love.

The Solar Feminine teaches us Sacred Feminine Leadership and shows us the map to how we can embody more love and power during this time of rapid evolution. 

The Solar Feminine knows how to live from not knowing and receive each moment as it arises while having agency. She risks, she leads from trusting her heart’s intelligence.

When we sync with the Venus cycle, we embark on a new Heroine’s Journey and engage with the mysteries of life, death and resurrection. This process can assist us to shed what is no longer true and deepen into our essence and authentic expression of who we are now. 

The Solar Feminine was birthed on the planet on June 3rd, 2012 when Venus visibly crossed the face of the Sun for the last time in our lifetime.

The Solar Feminine teaches us Heart-Centered Leadership; how to risk living in the present moment, stabilize in the unknown, consider all possibilities until we receive clarity, and then take the right action for us. We lead by trusting our heart’s intelligence above all else.

The Sun and Venus together are the union of Fire and Water, Eros and Heart, Light and Love, Source and Body.

A new cycle began on August 13th, 2023 when Venus and Sun united at 20˚ Leo and opened up a new 19 month cycle.

This Stabilizing Fiery Lioness archetype will infuse the entire 19-month cycle. In the Venus Leo cycle, the sacred feminine lives from the authority of her natural freedom, finds her joy in expressing her creativity and tapping into those gifts to generate resources of all kinds.

Here, she is the Queen of Artistry and enjoying the Pleasure of Shining in her Sovereignty. Her throne is her knowledge of the original spark of innocence gained through infusion with the Sun’s light. Her crown is her confidence of the goodness to come as we walk the golden path and her knowledge of herself as infinite being. She is us.

In this cycle, we are invited to learn the power play and creative expression, to take the wisdom of the grandmother from the last cycle and turn our attention towards the children of the future and our own inner child. Our golden hearts show us the way into a brighter future.

Every month, Venus meets the Moon and opens a New Venus Portal. This is a potent time to attune to the deeper river of our hearts and receive our feelings and inspirations.

We are seeding the New Earth- a worldwide culture based on care, interconnection, and reverence for life and the natural world. We are here to support each other to live our creative gifts and generate resources to support deepest heart’s visions as we heal the sister wound of competition and embrace our unique feminine essence.

Together we are being initiated into the Leo Venus Star Mysteries. 

We can support each other to live our creative gifts and generate resources to support our deepest heart’s visions.

Are you a visionary women of heart dreaming a more beautiful world for the future? 

Connect with Venus Wisdom on your path of evolution. 


You can reach us at [email protected]

 Praise for Venus Wisdom

This program helped me to deeply connect with my Venus and heroine's journey. During these past 6 months, I have reconnected with my intuition again and learned to trust it. It's one of my greatest gifts and I forgot that somewhere along the way. I am deeply grateful for this opportunity to learn about the beauty of Venus.

~ Alicia Aldrige

The One Who is at Play Everywhere says,
There is a space in the heart where everything meets.
Come here if you want to find me.
Mind, senses, soul, eternity - all are here.
Are you here?

~ Radiance Sutra #26


Receive your free Venus Map gift and Venus Wisdom updates delivered to your email inbox.

🔒 We value your privacy and promise to never share or spam your email. (Updates are sent about twice per month)

More Praise for Venus Wisdom

Syncing with Venus Wisdom has been incredibly nourishing and empowering. After a few months of relating with Venus I felt like I came home to myself in a whole new way. No longer am I willing to sacrifice my feminine nature for outward success. I now have a map to work with to plan my business and life in harmony with my personal astrology that supports both my visionary drive as well as my deep feeling heart and need for rest and renewal. Sasha is my go to astrologer and recommend her pioneering work to every woman ready for the next edge of her personal development.

~ Sacha Sterling, Business Coach


The One Who is at Play Everywhere says,
There is a space in the heart where everything meets.
Come here if you want to find me.
Mind, senses, soul, eternity - all are here.
Are you here?

~ Radiance Sutra #26


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🔒 We value your privacy and promise to never share or spam your email. (Updates are sent about twice per month)