Beautiful Gen X Sister,
Are you a visionary, midlife woman working as a coach or a spiritual entrepreneur who's ready to put the spark back in your business? 

* Make more money

* Attract soulmate clients
* Increase your impact at this critical time on the planet
*Step into the next level of your feminine leadership
* And feel better than ever about yourself?

Let's talk...

As a soul-led, conscious woman at midlife, you've built a successful business connected to your purpose.

Congratulations on accomplishing what our grandmothers only dreamed about.

You are the first generation to walk through the doors opened by the rebels in the 60’s for women to follow our heart’s deepest calling and to pursue our own dreams.

You are proud of what you have created in your business and your life.

But lately, there's a growing disconnect; your business no longer represents what it once did, and you sense a change is needed, even if you're not sure yet what's next. 

You know you need to pivot but are unsure how...and when.

Do you feel that you are at a powerful crossroads at midlife where you can either contract or expand into your wisest expression?

You've been experiencing the physical, emotional and spiritual changes of midlife but you haven't consciously created the space to gain clarity and find your next direction. 

If you resonate with the spirit of the  Awakening Feminine Warrior ready to bring more authentic leadership at this time of great change, this is for you!

You are holding space for you family, your team, your clients.

Who is holding space for you at this midlife threshold?

You are undergoing intense changes of body, mind, emotions and spirit. You may be experiencing cycle changes, mood swings, weight gain, memory loss, hot flashes, night sweats, restless sleep, or all of the above.

Maybe your libido has diminished, and your most intimate spaces feel foreign. 

Your passion is waning, affecting both your sexual expression and your connection to your sense of attractiveness. You feel more stuck, frustrated, and uninspired than you have in years. Some days, you wonder, “What is going on?!”

Or, you may only be getting hints of these changes but you feel the tidal wave coming.

You're in new territory, juggling business responsibilities with physical changes, uncertainty about your direction and emerging economic shifts. 

You didn't know midlife changes would be this intense and you are ready for attuned, personal support on your journey. 

Invitation to Deep Courage ...

Schedule a time to explore if we are a good fit for working together. 

My gift is to share how working with the astrology of Venus can bring you to your evolutionary edge. 

You will walk away from our call with new clarity around your midlife journey.

Even if we decide we are not the perfect match you will receive keys for embodying your feminine wisdom at this transitional time of rapid spiritual evolution.

Let's Connect!

At the midlife threshold, we face incredible physical changes that rock our identity and impact our sense of beauty.

We also see more clearly the paths not taken and the results of our choices.

The truth is, the longer we live, the more losses we sustain.

We can close down from heartbreaks, failures, and disappointments, or find the courage to open up to more of who we are and honor all the wisdom we've cultivated.

The initiation into your wisdom years is the opportunity to become your most authentic and powerful self.

At this moment of intensity, you might want to contract and play it safe.

You may feel afraid to be seen in this massive undoing of who you have been.

But you are a rebel, a rule breaker, a visionary at heart. You value truth. You want to be more real, not less.

You went into business to reach for the dream of having freedom doing what you love and being an agent of change at this incredible transition.

It's time for you to bring forward something more potent through the vehicle of your business. Something the world needs right now.

When you claim your midlife wisdom, you gain unshakeable confidence and the ability to lead with heart. You claim the core of your attractiveness that is not dependent on your external beauty.

You feel the energy of the feminine warrior awakening within you. This is the call to connect to your fierce love and  purpose. This is your deepest feminine intelligence. 

Women in their late 40's and early 50's especially hold a special perspective needed by the collective at this time of massive cultural change. 

No other generation before has faced what we are about to live through. Your deepest lived wisdom is needed in this transition.

Are you ready to step up to the plate and shine like the heroine your were born to be? 

Explore Deep Courage



A Midlife Quest
for Rebirth 

Receive intimate support on your transformational journey
In a 6-month 1:1 journey
with seasoned Astrologer, Venus Cycle Expert, and Soul Guide,
Sasha Rose

Do you want to?

* Make more money and have a greater impact.
* Strengthen your ability to lead with your unique solutions and innovations in this new era.
* Rebirth your vitality, passion and sense of beauty.

Then, you need this Venus wisdom… (and no one else has this map.)

Why say yes to a heroine’s journey with the Venus Cycle and guidance on your personal astrology?

The Venus cycle illuminates your Inner Heroine, increasing magnetism and confidence. Understanding your Venus helps create wealth, grow your business, and feel beautiful no matter what. 

Have you ever wanted to have your own personal astrologer guiding you into the deppths of your personal chart? 

This is all that and more. 

When you join you will receive:

~ Venus Design Discovery Process
~ Astro Inner Council Integration
~ Business Planning
~ Personal Practices Curated for Your Unique Design
~ Branding Reflections aligned with your Venus Design
~ Writing Practice Support
~ Personal Guidance with your astrology plus unique Venus Design. 

You will get access to:

✨ 12 Sessions - 90 minutes + over Zoom. 

✨ 2x month we will deep dive into your personal astrological guidance within the Venus Wisdom Heroine's Journey Framework.

✨ Key dates, insights about your inner archetypes and tailored meditation and embodiment practices to support your personal transformation and business planning.

✨ 2 Heart Reflection Sessions 60 minutes + where we drop the Mind and tune into your inner world. These sessions support integration and connection with your feminine essence.

Recordings of all sessions.

Astro charts and transit charts.


Your Natal Venus Cycle Map of the cycle you were born into.

✨ Your Venus Cycle Mandala to help you understand and receive wisdom from Venus position in the Sky.

✨ Weekday access (on alternate weeks) via Telegram 11 am - 5 pm Pacific on the weeks in between your sessions for questions on your journey.

✨ 30 minute Integration Calls for 2 months following our completion.


"And now here is my secret, a very simple secret:
It is only with the heart that one can see
rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye.”   
         ~ Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, The Little Prince


Your Inner Heroine
Discover or deepen your embodied insight of the key dimensions of your Venus Design. Cultivate your heroine qualities, clarify your gifts and strengthen your ability  to center in your heart on the journey. 

Your Venus discoveries and your branding and planning will be woven in throughout the journey with a special focus.


Your Inner Trickster-Magician
We explore how your Mercury placement shows you your nature of attention and how to enlist your Mind to serve your Heart.

We will dial in your Mercury to help you gain insights about your learning style and messaging. 


Your Inner Historian
We dive into your Moon sign and how your Lunar Feminine holds your history to protect you and keep you safe. Learn how to enlist your Historian to help you re-write your stories as heroine. 


Your Inner Lover-Warrior
We uncover the qualities of your masculine nature, Mars, and how you go about getting what you want. We enlist this part of your in service to your deeper feminine nature for greater coherence in your being and the path to fulfillment of your sacred mission. This is a big clearing time!



Your Sacred Mission
We shine the light on the key astro markers that illuminate your Sacred Mission. We consider your innate aptitudes, evolving genius, and where you may want to recalibrate or upgrade. We will look at the influence of your North Node and all of your astro placements having to do with purpose and career. 


Together, we reflect on your journey and weave together the insights about the different aspects of yourself into a greater sense of wholeness.

Let's Connect


  • You are on a growth path and choose to be curious. 
  • You value vulnerability and want to feel more deeply.
  • You are willing to engage in a radical self-honesty practice. 
  • You're ready to release what is not longer true. 
  • You are interested in astrology, myth and symbolism, even if you don't know much about it.  
  • You want to remember and record your stories and insights for your own insight, content creation, a book or as a part of your legacy. 

    Over the past decade of working with hundreds of visionary women at thresholds, I've found that when you embrace the loss of identity and shed old patterns you open the way to  connect with your deepest feminine nature. Until you have said yes to that dive, it's hard to feel the surge of new vitality, beauty and renewed sense of purpose. 

    That's exactly why I created DEEP COURAGE to guide you through my one-of-a-kind heroine's journey framework. 

    Are you ready to look into the mirror of who you have been, connect with your deepest feminine essence, and courageously rebirth into the wise leader you are ready to be?

 This is for you if you're a midlife woman who is already successful at doing work aligned with your purpose.
Even though everything is "working", you are surprised by the intensity of changes at this stage. You want to pivot in your business and feel that spark of aliveness and passion again. 

Hi, I'm Sasha Rose.

I’m a seasoned, Intuitive Astrologer, Soul Guide and leading expert in the Venus cycle. 

I've revolutionized a new way to work with the Venus cycle as a heroine's journey to reclaim our feminine power and create businesses that bring our heart's intelligence and solution to this change of ages.

My superpower is reflecting a woman's feminine brilliance back to her and helping her embody her heroine identity so she can create the next level of success in her business and life.

At my midlife transit at 42, I WOKE UP to my deeper purpose to practice embodied astrology with our feminine nature at center. After watching Venus cross the Sun I had a dream that gave me permission to follow my soul's path.

I stepped into the unknown on the path of the entrepreneur as a single mom navigating a high-conflict co-parenting situation without any business training or financial backing.

I've learned the power of the heart to transform the most harrowing  challenges on the journey. At 53, I am finding the gold in embodying my truest and wisest self. 

I've studied astrology for 34 years and practiced professionally for 12 years. I've hosted The Venus Wisdom Collective online community, as well as guiding visionary women through initiations into syncing with Venus.  

I was a featured astrologer with Astrology Hub in 2020 and a teacher on Stormie Grace's Astrology YouTube Academy. I've produced various online summits including, "Re-Dream the World in the Age of Aquarius" and "The Great Lioness Reset. 

Schedule a call to see if we are a good fit for working together. You will walk away from our call with new clarity around your midlife journey.

Even if we decide we are not the perfect match you will receive keys for embodying our feminine wisdom at this transitional time of rapid spiritual evolution. 


Praise for Venus Wisdom 

"I’ve just experienced my first session with Sasha and words cannot describe how profound it was! It was far more than a reading, rather a meditative and coaching journey between the cosmos and the earth where my birth chart and my Venus placement was the key to unlocking my souls story.

Everything Sasha shared was so on point, it was as if she knew me better than myself, all this just through my Venus placement! Sasha’s calculations of my Venus Star differed to what I had learned through other modalities. When she explained her interpretation of my Venus Star I had goose bumps all over my body, it resonated at a deep soul level." 

~ Denise Kennedy
Business and Life Coach
(Currently moving through Chiron Return Initiation)

Let's Connect

"After going on this journey and initiation, I've come out the other side with a deeper devotion to beauty. And not this false sense of beauty, the TRUE essence of beauty, which is really a woman that can hold her sacred flame and essence.

I’ve been following Venus but I hadn't gone this deep in relationship with her until I joined Venus Wisdom in March of 2023.

Now, things have completely clicked for me and I'm even more committed to this Venusian path and everything that she has to offer me, especially in deepening my sovereignty.

The private 1:1 sessions with Sasha not only gave me the time and space to work through my direct experience but also to receive Sasha’s deep way of seeing my unique feminine design and how I could apply this to life, buisiness and my relationships.

Sasha helped me see blind spots. I now understand why I am the way I am and how to utilize my gifts. I no longer second guess or hide because it is my superpower….and this is priceless to me."

Janelle Sjodin
Founder, Venusian Alchemy

(Currently moving through Uranus Opposition Initiation)

If you are feeling called to a deeply supported transformational journey to align yourself with your wisest self, schedule your call. 

Spots are limited!

"The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is merely tenacity. The fears are paper tigers. You can do anything you decide to do. You can act to change and control your life; and the procedure, the process is its own reward."   ~ Amelia Earhart



"I started syncing with Venus without knowing what I was doing. She called me as a beautiful star after sunset and I started going out every night to hang out with her. 

I was drawn to work with Sasha to learn more about the power of my Venus and my deep feminine.

When we started,  I was feeling alone in the quest to reclaim the sacred in my life and family.

Through this process I feel more confident in embodying my Taurus Venus capacity to receive and be receptive, as an art, as a devotion and an essential self love mastery.

My Venus Star inspires me to transform into my truest form and I see how that energy connects me to my purpose. 

I also have a new understanding how my masculine nature can lead me out of my body and earth connection. This has helped me to choose differently. 

I am  reclaiming myself as a woman. 
I think the strongest shift has been not just my relationship with myself but also in my intimate relationships -  in how I give voice to the truth of my feminine nature.

I have much gratitude for Sasha for helping women to reclaim an ancient and evolutionary quality of our feminine nature."

Alison DeLong

Rite of Passage Wilderness Guide & Trauma-Informed Parenting Coach Founder of Mother Element, LLC
(Currently moving through Chiron Return Initiation)