Welcome to Venus Wisdom ~

I am Sasha Rose, a new Chiron elder, Sagittarius storyteller, Aquarian visionary astrologer and Scorpio Venus deep diving truth seeker.  

I am the founder of Venus Wisdom and the creator of the HEROINE Venusian mentorship and 5 Dimensions of Venus Discovery Process to support women in knowing more of their heart's wisdom during these turbulent times. 

My mission is to guide female visionaries and entrepreneurs to discover their deepest feminine intelligence, find the courage to bring their precious medicine to the world and fulfill their sacred mission as we move through this transitional time.  

I am a daughter of the counterculture and am a dream carrier for a vision of a new paradigm based on caring human connections and reverence for nature. 

I was born in 1970 to hippies who spearheaded the ecology movement in Marin County, California in response to the San Francisco oil spill of '71.

When my father left my mother destitute, she sought stability for my brother and I, as well as inspiration for the future, through communal living.

When I was 5 years old she joined a worldwide network of spiritual communities and sustainable farms focused on awakening the divine potential in humans, which included weekly energy attunement sessions.

While living in spiritual communities, I witnessed both the aspirations and the shadows of utopian dreamers with divine plan.

I learned about the cult dynamics of love bombing, devotion harvesting, vibrational competition, mind control, abuse of power and spiritual bypassing.

I left at 18 and rejected spirituality until I experienced my first heart awakening at the age of 21. 

While dancing at a rave in the woods all night long, my heart opened, my perspective became vast and I was immersed in the feeling of pure love. I did not "come down" for 4 months. 

After that initiation onto my path of heart, I have explored the realms of astrology, meditation, holistic healing, consciousness and spirituality for 32 years, including 20 years of study and practice of Vajrayana Buddhism. 

I earned a BA in 2000 from New College of California specializing in the Culture Ecology and Sustainable Communities program with a concentration in Environmental Education.

In 2005, my second awakening occurred when I birthed my beautiful girl into the world through a challenging emergency c-section. 

Discovering the power of mother love has been biggest blessing of my life. After she was born, I started studying child childhood to better understand her process and how I could support her.

The more I learned, the more I felt awe at all that happens in our earliest years. I felt blessed that I was able to stay home and care for her through that period. 

When my daughter was 4 years old, her father filed for divorce and I embarked on a new journey as a single mom. 

I went back to school and earned my teaching credential as well as extensive training in the Montessori Method and Cosmic Education. This experience was a catalyst to heal my learning wounds and to awaken my genius and passion to protect the innate intelligence of children. 

In 2012 I had a third heart awakening after I witnessed Venus eclipsing the Sun.

I had purchased eclipse glasses for that day and my 6 and 7 year old Montessori students and I watched the black dot cross the Sun standing in the schoolyard. 

Through the activation of that image and a dream that night I received a transmission which helped me know in my bones the difference between head knowledge and embodied insight. This event inspired me to take a leap to realize my dream to work for myself doing what I love. 

Combining my lifelong passion for astrology and energy healing with my training in massage therapy, I opened up an office in Sebastpol, California, and began to guide others on their journey of healing and self discovery.

This combination of healing touch and decoding their astrology with an emphasis on Venus in her cycle was a powerful way to support my clients to cultivate trust in their body wisdom.

During this time I also worked in a public school teaching yoga. I developed "Heart Warriors", a yoga inspired body awareness program and taught it to 4th-6th graders in the Healdsburg school District for 5 years, as well as the Northern California Women's Herbal Symposium. 

My personal journey of navigating the challenges of co-parenting a child with an adversarial father ignited my passion to protect my daughter and  our body sovereignty and a journey in supporting natural mothering and holistic health. 

I was a featured astrologer for 2020 on the Astrology Hub and has been a guest teacher on Stormie Grace's YouTube Academy.

In 2020, I created HEROINE, an intimate mentorship to guide visionary women of heart on a heroine's journey through the Venus cycle.

I have produced 5 online summits including "Re-Dream the World" and "The Aquarian High Council," bringing together rebel astrologers, leaders in embodiment and consciousness to share their wisdom in this transitional time.

Currently, I guide women on their heroine's journey, helping them discover and activate their unique Venus Design, share their stories, and cycle with Venus in support of fulfilling their sacred missions.

I have steward a number of a multi-generational online communities with gatherings to share guidance on how to attune to the Venus cycle.

I am currently opening 5 spots in an intensively supportive 6 month 1:1 container, DEEP COURAGE: A Quest for Creative Regeneration. If you are a visionary business woman at midlife who feels called to a deep heroine's journey, do reach out to explore it.  

To inquire about interviews and presentations for podcasts and summits on Venus Wisdom, the Solar feminine, my heroine's story with a focus of living from the heart and authenticity, cult recovery, waking up from New Age and Divine Feminine spiritualities, social engineering of the counterculture and the transition into the Age of Aquarius you can email [email protected]

I hope you will consider embarking on a Venus journey of discovery to activate your gifts with cosmic support in these turbulent times.

Your medicine is needed!  




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