We take a huge leap deeper into the Age of Aquarius with Pluto shifting into Aquarius.

If you want support to stay anchored in your heart

in the storm of these tumultuous times...

Venus Wisdom offers a magnificent doorway to your inner guidance.

Sync with Venus and embody your deepest truth. Your medicine is needed now. 

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"Opening the mysteries of Venus and her divine feminine presence within the sky has been so potent. I have a deeper understanding of the power of “not knowing.” It is a permission that I didn’t have such a deep awareness of before. Guiding us through the Venus Gates with your deep words and felt knowing has been beyond what I could have imagined. Venus opened my heart. She invited me to be seen. The essence of Heart and Love has consumed me. Embodied in the best way possible. It is a gift that I will always cherish."


Participant in Awakening our Heroine's Heart 2020-2021