We are living through magnificent times.

Jun 03, 2018

Many cultures anticipated this would be a potent moment on Earth. The Sky Story articulates a crossroads for humans. Deep and sudden transformation is happening. Now more than ever, we need to nourish our bodies, develop resources to stay relaxed to receive the blessings, and illuminate our life path.

Right now, we are invited to make a leap in our evolution. There is tension as the old crumbles and the new vision is not yet born. Many of us are dancing with the unknown as never before. These tension patterns are showing up in our lives and in our bodies.

On June 6th, 2012, the planet Venus crossed the face of the sun - a rare occurrence that happens only 4 times every 243 years. Did you see it? This was the birth of the "Solar Feminine". Venus represents our bodies and hearts, as well as relationships and the Sun represents our vital life force itself. This is the return of the feminine principle (no matter what gender we are) and a heart-based way of living, which has been lost for many in modern culture.

The Solar Feminine. The principles of love and courage united. Fierce Beauty. Becoming Heart Warriors. How would the world look if our vital life force was directed towards creativity, justice, and beauty instead of reaction, judgment, and aggression?

The feminine essence is rising in both men and women as we face increasing ecological and social challenges on our planet and recognize that core change is needed. As the masculine and feminine come into balance within us, can we work in partnership to imagine new solutions?

We also have Uranus, "The Great Awakener" in the sign of Taurus for the next 7 years. Taurus is "ruled" by Venus and represents our bodies, especially women's bodies, and the Earth. The revolution will happen in our cells, tissue, and bones. The more we are committed to being in our bodies instead of our heads, the more available we are for the revelations that will come.

I see people awakening to their intuition and sense of flow, noticing the guidance of synchronicity, opening to their body wisdom, and surrendering their concepts in order to allow the magic in every day to life emerge. As old patterns and beliefs fall away, space opens to discover who we are and what we were born to do.

2018 is a particularly powerful year for tapping into our body and heart wisdom, taking our self-care seriously, and manifesting our most cherished visions. During these transitional times can we be brave enough to embody our authentic selves, reveal our hearts, and re-imagine the world? Clearly, the time is now for the shift towards more heart-centered, embodied living that is attuned to the needs of all the beings who inhabit the Earth.

Join me on a journey of self-discovery and realization as we ride the waves of change and bring new learning and meaning into our lives.

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Start activating your heroine powers and syncing with Venus...

Women have unique feminine qualities depending on our Venus Design. When we cultivate these specific qualities, we align with our natural femininity and can show up with greater authenticity and power. 

When we embody our Venus design, we strengthen our inner knowing and guidance in the face of the turbulence of the great change of ages we are living through.

✨ Find your personal Venus sign and her pleasure, power and Queen wisdom. Even if you know your Venus sign, you will find insight in this resource.

✨ You can create an astrology chart to locate your Venus, if needed.

We are in the moving through the second half of a Venus in Leo cycle.
In this heroine's journey, we are invited to increase our faith and allow our inner strength to shine brighter. We have been tested on this quest for greater intimacy with our creative powers and knowing our sovereignty.

Are you ready?

Your VENUS SIGN starts the journey.

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