The New Venus Portal in Aquarius on March 28th invited us to crystallize our heart's vision.
I had clear skies this morning and went out to receive Venus' light as she moved through the last degrees of Aquarius before shifting into Pisces at 8:18 am this morning.
As I communed with her light, I felt her implore me to hold my vision. Implore is the best description I have to describe it. Not quite scolding, but imploring. Hold firm, don't scatter, don't let it diffuse...yet.
Seeing her as the largest celestial body glimmering in the pre-dawn sky reminded me of her power which is the power of our feminine essence.
The smaller lights of Mars and Saturn were nearby in a parallel formation. You may have felt a disruption yesterday when Mars and Saturn met in Aquarius. Mars wants to go forth unimpeded, Saturn puts on the brakes to take time to prune.
A great question to ask: Where do you need to take greater responsibility and commitment to bring your unique sacred purpose into the world?
Yesterday may have felt heavy but also brought clarity. We are all being asked to mature and become wiser. How did you experience it?
The path before us is not an easy one yet our hearts can hold all the trials and tribulations of this time. Venus as the ambassador of our heart wisdom has got us. Truly.
Venus always shines brightest, even as she descends. She is the closest planet to Earth, after all.
These activations in Aquarius bring us into alignment with our greater Aquarian mission. On some level, we know we came to participate in this epic transition during this change of ages.
Do you have the support you need to bring forth that precious vision? Your medicine is needed now.
Venus is surfing the cosmic waters of Pisces now. Did you feel the shift?
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Start activating your heroine powers and syncing with Venus...
Women have unique feminine qualities depending on our Venus Design. When we cultivate these specific qualities, we align with our natural femininity and can show up with greater authenticity and power.Â
When we embody our Venus design, we strengthen our inner knowing and guidance in the face of the turbulence of the great change of ages we are living through.
⨠Find your personal Venus sign and her pleasure, power and Queen wisdom. Even if you know your Venus sign, you will find insight in this resource.
⨠You can create an astrology chart to locate your Venus, if needed.
We are in the moving through the second half of a Venus in Leo cycle. In this heroine's journey, we are invited to increase our faith and allow our inner strength to shine brighter. We have been tested on this quest for greater intimacy with our creative powers and knowing our sovereignty.
Are you ready?
Your VENUS SIGN starts the journey.
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