Apr 28, 2022

Are you attuned to the feeling of your deepest and most beautiful mission to re-dream the world? If you have no concept of how that is a good sign. These skies are inviting us to dive and dream, following the ache of something exquisite not yet born.

Venus and the Moon have completed their exact meeting for the New Venus Portal in Pisces yesterday on Tuesday, April 26th. They appeared close together this morning and we are still in the window today. Honoring the new Venus Portal is an alternative to the New Moon. We are not intending, nor planting seeds but attuning to our inner signal to anchor the new feminine frequency and re-dream the world.

Venus and Moon in Pisces, the changeable, feminine water sign and the last of the zodiac offers us the power of dissolution. Each month, the New Venus Portal opens up a window of time where we can choose our hearts first, making our present time authentic feeling (Solar Feminine) priority over our history (Lunar Feminine).

When we drop out of our heads and dive into our hearts, our conditioned stories are more easily shed. This is particularly important now as the shadow of Pisces is illusion. Staying true when we are in the otherworldly energies of the eclipse may not be easy. Staying in our bodies and rooting into our human hearts is a huge support.

Venus met Neptune exactly at 12:12 pm today This is a once a year happening as she moves through her 19-month heroine's journey. What is showing up in your life that represents the seeds of your most exquisite vision of shaping your reality in concert with the mysteries.

Feminine Essence meets with the Great Dreamer in the most magical place they both love for some deep dreaming of the new reality. When I imagine this rendezvous in Pisces, I think of the luminescent wilds in the movie Avatar.

We are also in the 5 Morning Twighlight Portals of Descent, so releasing what is no longer true about us is especially supported now. What are the stories holding us in patterns that we know are not aligned with who we are?

Can you take some time to feel what is moving through your heart? Are you willing to receive it? The truth of what is moving doesn’t have to be pretty. And perhaps it is magnificent. Perhaps it is poison or perhaps it is nectar. The truth is what liberates us here.

Our release now opens the way for receiving the devotion in our hearts for this next month and beyond. Venus with Neptune the day after the portal and soon to meet up with Jupiter on the solar eclipse on April 30th infuses this moment with ethereal magic, a quality of life that we have not yet tasted but we have longed for since the beginning of time. A new reality where love is embodied and expressed in all beings.

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