Venus in Capricorn: The Sensuality of Manifestation

Dec 26, 2022

Venus is in Capricorn from December 9th to January 2nd. This is a particularly important placement because it resonates with the current Venus cycle that began in Capricorn on January 8th, 2022. 

On our heroine's journey of heart, we have answered the call to transformation, moved through the trials and tribulations of Morning Star, the deep surrender of initiation in the Underworld, and will begin to embody and share more of our true selves as we move through the next 8.5 months with Venus as Evening Star. 

She is visible here in Northern California and I am seeing some other reports! Look to the southwest after sunset and see if you can catch sight of her. Please share if you do! 

The theme for this cycle is maturation into our wisest selves through and a strengthening of our commitment to our sacred purpose so we can show up as leaders in our realm of influence and create a new reality with the future generations held in our golden hearts. 

Thanks to Pluto's influence, this cycle has been a particularly painful confrontation of how we are still ruled by our fears and traumas. We were born to be the bridges between the dying world and the new reality being born. 

In Venus' secret meeting with the Sun in the Underworld, a Libra Star Point opened for the first time in over 100 years. This is the dawning of reconciliation of all the ways the feminine principle and nature itself have been degraded by the collapsing dominator culture.

Women who know how to hold and wield power that is wedded with love will become key players in the creation of the new earth. The time of female violence toward each other to compete for influence in a man's world is over. There's no faking it as we are all able to "see-feel" each other more clearly, and that will get stronger in the coming years. 

Collaborations based on equality will unlock each person's genius and contribute to our collective intelligence. This will assist us to see and bring into being the out-of-the box solutions that were right there all along. 

We have been through a series of incredible tests in the past few years and much has been revealed about people by what they are choosing. Integrity and authentic care are the foundations of what will be built out of the rubble of the colonial structures of our current paradigm. 

Pluto, The Great Transformer, will move from Capricorn into Aquarius in 2023 and we will see the new world rapidly coming into focus. How we choose to relate to technology, and how much humans claim their sovereignty will determine which version of the Age of Aquarius manifests. 

For those of you with Venus in Capricorn in your birth chart, I wrote this last year to illuminate how this may show up in your personality. I would love to hear how ​ it lands. 

In my epic dive into the Venus mysteries in the last 10 years, I have found that our cycle and Star Point energy show up differently than our sign energy and show us our unique frequency of pure love and sacred purpose. The combination of these are what I have called the Venus Avatar - the remedy to the digital version of us lacking sentience.

Venus in Capricorn knows her sacred "no" and the art of boundary-making. She has an executive aura, no matter what she is doing. Her power is potent, yet dignified. Often, she is in business for herself or in a powerful position aligned with her purpose. 

Her caring is so deeply woven inside of her being, that others may not recognize the sweetness in her Heart and may even see her as emotionally cool. But every step she takes is fuelled by her deep care for the community. Her productivity is an act of Love.

She is secretly super sensitive. She can sometimes come off harshly to others because her standards are high for everyone, including herself. But when others are critical of her or, most especially, do not show respect, she hurts.

She may really enjoy being on task and the process of making money. She needs to connect with others and watch her tendency to isolate. Once she is willing to delegate and ask for what she needs, she experiences more fulfillment. 

Her assignment is to soften into her vulnerability and to allow herself to be loved for who she is, not just what she does. Her greatest edge can be to take time off, let loose, and have fun away from her work life. 

She embodies feminine authority, the pleasure of ambition, the power of the heart, the art of conservation. Her superpower is mirth.

If you wish to partner with a Venus in Capricorn woman, check your level of commitment. Through the passage of time and increase of trust, she will be willing to show her inner riches and they are magnificent. 

In love, she will blossom into her full-feeling nature and erotic sensuality, in a solid container. In business partnerships, she will bring tremendous value when clear expectations, mutual commitment, and agreements have been reached.

The Sea Goat brings the sweet nectar of caring from the oceanic depths, up to the mountain top, to build something tangible that serves the coming generations. She carries the wisdom of the elder, no matter her age. 

Blessings on your journey. 

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