Venus in Capricorn: The Sensuality of Manifestation

Jan 06, 2022
Venus in Capricorn knows her sacred "no" and the art of boundary making. She is a badass in a business suit. Her power is potent, yet understated. She embodies feminine authority, the spirit of ambition, the art of conservation. Her superpower is mirth.
Her caring is so deeply woven inside her being that others may not recognize the sweetness in her heart and may even see her as emotionally cool. But every step she takes is fueled by her deep care for the community. Her productivity is an act of love.
Venus in the sign of the Sea-Goat is secretly super sensitive. She can sometimes come off harshly because her standards are high for everyone, including herself. When others are critical of her or, most especially, do not show respect, she hurts.
Her assignment is to soften into vulnerability and to allow herself to be loved for who she is, not just what she does. Her greatest edge can be to take time off, to let loose and have fun away from her work life.
She has a tenacity that is born from struggle. She knows the victory of claiming the authority of her heart, claiming all of herself, moving through the fear, and keeping her eye on the goal.
She may feel that epic success doing what she loves is the best revenge against the dominator culture or those who have oppressed her.
She is done with being a victim, done with watching those in power abuse it. She's bringing her medicine - no matter what. She carries the wisdom of the grandmothers in her heart, regardless of her biological age.
She may really enjoy being on task and the process of making money. She may need to watch her tendency to isolate and intentionally schedule in time to connect with others. Once she is willing to delegate and ask for what she needs, she experiences more fulfillment.
In love, she is initially more cautious but will blossom into her full feeling nature and erotic sensuality in a solid, committed container.
In business partnerships, she will bring tremendous value when clear expectations, mutual commitment, and agreements have been reached.
If wish to partner with a Venus in Capricorn woman, check your level of commitment to be sure it matches hers. Through the passage of time and increase of trust, she will be willing to show her inner riches and they are magnificent. If you don't yet know how to stay the course, save her time by opting out sooner rather than later.
The Sea-Goat brings the sweet nectar of caring from the oceanic depths up to the mountain top to build something tangible that serves the coming generations.
Venus in Capricorn Babes - you will receive this blessing in the most personal way. Does this resonate? Anything to add?
Venus spends 4 months in Capricorn (November 5th-March 5th) because she retrogrades between cycles and she is starting a new cycle in Capricorn. She just disappeared as Evening Star and will seed a new cycle when she unites with the Sun on January 8th. She re-appears as Morning Star around January 14th.
We are all invited to embody more of the power of our heart wisdom during this time, emphasized by Venus meeting up with Pluto 3 times during her time in Capricorn.
She asks, do you trust the authority of your lived experience and inner guidance above external authority? The answer is particularly important as we move into the last chapter of the deconstruction of the dominator culture and the rebirth of a new reality based on care, interconnection, and alignment with nature.
Visionary women of heart, join us in the Venus Wisdom Collective for guidance on how to sync with Venus and anchor the Solar Feminine frequencies in this transitional time.
Sasha 🌟
Image: Faye Dunaway reflecting the Venus in Capricorn archetype.

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