Turn of the Wheel to Beltaine: Venus Peaking in Cycle

May 17, 2020
We are just passed Beltaine - the ancient European cross-quarter holiday often celebrated on the 1st. The Sun reached the halfway mark through Taurus exactly on May 4th. The old stories say people lit fires and couples making love in the fields to honor the fertility of this time.

We are officially in the time of blossoming, the waking up of the Earth here in the Northern hemisphere. We are on the brink of a powerful full moon in Scorpio. Are you feeling the intensity?

Since I started syncing with Venus, I am much less personally affected by the build-up and pressure of full Moon energy. Yet, I feel it pulsing all around me.

The Sun in Taurus invites us to open our senses, to be more fully present in our bodies and aliveness. Time to revel in our natural sensuality and work in the sun in our pandemic victory gardens.

Now is a particularly powerful time to enjoy and appreciate the magic of the female body and our creative power. We will celebrate mothers next week. We create life! Blessings on all mothers everywhere.

The ruler of Taurus, Venus is in the sign of Gemini and wants to activate our reverent curiosity. The invitation is to keep asking questions, opening up conversations with care staying kind, especially on social media in this time of increased isolation. Making time to play and have fun is a radical act these days.

Venus goes retrograde on May 13th. This is a movement to give us pause, as she is only retrograde 7 percent of the time (once every 19 months.) Take time to reflect on all that has moved through your heart and what has transformed since October 2018.

We are about to start a new Venus cycle in Gemini, which is a significantly different energetic theme than the last time around. The deeper you dove, the higher you can now fly, even as the ground beneath our feet continues to crumble.

The corruption continues to be revealed. More people are becoming aware of the violence of the dominator consciousness on this planet. Connecting with others who resonate with the truth that we see is wise and supportive. There is so much at work to divide us.

May Day has a history of resistance in this country. In 1886 one hundred thousand working-class people walked off their jobs. They organized to protest the brutality of industrialization and demand an 8 hour weekday. Poor women and children were most abused by the system designed to line the pockets of the rich.

Last week on May 1st, employees at Target, Instacart, Walmart, Fed Ex, Whole Foods, and Amazon walked out of their jobs in protest and are demanding better protection amidst the pandemic.

The corporatization of our society is coming to ahead. The cluster of planets in Capricorn has been showing us the shadows of culture based on fear, control, and scarcity since 2008 when Pluto went into Capricorn. Pluto just turned around and will revisit the task of relentless revealing shadow and restructuring society as we knew it.

Saturn will retrograde on May 10th and will head back into the territory of Capricorn, one last time. We can align with the earthed grandmother wisdom to resist and set boundaries to protect the future, not steal from and destroy it. Jupiter in Capricorn will join in the backward motion on May 14th, revealing the blessings of conservation.

For those of you who are working for the protection of the Earth, the safety of our children, and the most vulnerable in our communities, thank you. For those willing to really see the depths of manipulation and lies and hold up a mirror to reveal the truth, you are needed right now.

We are on the threshold of the Age of Aquarius and many unheard perspectives are needed to create the new reality. The intelligence and leadership of those on the fringe of mainstream society is part of this shift - the outliers, the eclectics, the freaks, the geeks, the outcasts, the sensitives, the minorities of all kinds may offer solutions that have been missed for as long as we can remember.

We have the power to continue weaving our dreams and finding our allies, no matter what. We are each choosing what we will create with our delicious life force.

Every act of kindness toward other beings and reverence for the natural world is amplified now. If we have brave enough to allow our heart to be broken open by the beauty and the tragedy of what is unfolding, without getting lost in despair, we are changed forever.

The more we slow down and feel, the more we can access the revolution happening without our cells and bones, perhaps we can hear the whispers and songs of the future. We have the collective power to create Heaven on Earth. We are dreaming about it now.

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Women have unique feminine qualities depending on our Venus Design. When we cultivate these specific qualities, we align with our natural femininity and can show up with greater authenticity and power. 

When we embody our Venus design, we strengthen our inner knowing and guidance in the face of the turbulence of the great change of ages we are living through.

✨ Find your personal Venus sign and her pleasure, power and Queen wisdom. Even if you know your Venus sign, you will find insight in this resource.

✨ You can create an astrology chart to locate your Venus, if needed.

We are in the moving through the second half of a Venus in Leo cycle.
In this heroine's journey, we are invited to increase our faith and allow our inner strength to shine brighter. We have been tested on this quest for greater intimacy with our creative powers and knowing our sovereignty.

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