The Solar Feminine

Jul 12, 2020
The Solar Feminine is being anchored on Earth as we move closer to the doorway to enter a new era on December 21, 2020.

Symbolically Sun and Venus meeting is the union of Love and Spirit, Eros and Heart, Divine Masculine and Sacred Feminine. This Divine Union is the Solar Feminine: the Light Codes of Love.
The Solar Feminine is Sacred Feminine Leadership and shows us the map to how we can embody more light and love during this time of rapid evolution.

The Solar Feminine knows how to live from not knowing and receive each moment as it arises AND she has agency. She risks, she leads from trusting her heart’s intelligence.
The Solar Feminine is naturally inclusive of the masculine principle because she only functions in partnership with him. Her union with and devotion to the masculine that inspires her radiance and gives her the confidence to flow freely.
We just started a new cycle on June 3rd in Gemini and we will be learning about Venus in Gemini Mysteries until January 2022. In an increasingly intense world, how do we stay open, consider multiple perspectives, flirt, feel the inner dance of our masculine/feminine, and embody the vibration of our primal purity?
Venus is at her brightest, climbing to her highest, right next to one of the four Royal stars, Aldebaran, and still near the Pleiades. She will meet with the Moon for the first time direct on Friday morning, July 17th and they will be visible together for a few days. Then, we have the new Moon in Cancer on Monday, July 20th that officially ends eclipse season.

The feminine energy of caring, nourishment, authenticity, and connection is strong and can be a resource with the chaotic and aggressive energies in the mix. Our breath is a gift and Venus in Gemini reminds us to breathe rhythmically when needed to help us return to our bodies and our the center of our being, our heart.
What bold, wild wishes are emerging from your heart and body? What would you create in your life in the next year and a half if nothing could stop you? Write it, sing it dance it, share it with Venus in the pre-dawn sky. We are dreaming about the future now.

Image: View at EarthSky Community Photos. | Prabhakaran A (@prabhuskutti) in Mleiha, UAE, created this glorious composite image

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