The Resurrection of Care: Holy Capricorn Days

Dec 26, 2022

I hope you are enjoying these holy Capricorn days of maximum light or dark. 

The Solar Gates at Solstice and Equinox are prime times to rest, nourish, cleanse, reset. Whatever the light ratio is in your place, Capricorn invites solitude, deep stillness, self-care, time in nature listening, and tuning into our mission and beginning to vision the structures that will support us to manifest our goals in the next year. 

Taking some time to be on the land and watching-feeling the wild animals that live in your place may bring insight into the harmony and productivity of nature. For many, this means bundling up. Dusk is an amazing time to do this as you may see Venus with Mercury still nearby in the west.

Venus is being reborn as Evening Star and we are invited to start to bring the wisdom gleaned in our Underworld time into our world in some way. Yet, with Mars retrograde in Gemini still scattering forward movement and Mercury in Capricorn stationing to turn retrograde, how to do this may not be clear.

When we move at our natural pace and follow our heart's guidance, this unfolding becomes clearer from moment to moment, day to day. Capricorn is connected to our sense of time. Slowing down now and going within to connect with our larger healing story is a wise investment.

Venus will be shining in the west after sunset for the next 7 months and inviting us to embody and personalize the Capricorn wisdom from this cycle. Around 8/8/23 she disappears as Evening Star and goes backstage to prepare to begin a new cycle.

Venus and Moon met at 17 degrees Capricorn on December 24th and opened up the New Venus Portal. This is a focused moment each month in Venus' 19-month journey. In the Evening Star phase, it represents our newly emerging, truer self meeting our conditioning - either arising within or reflected by someone in our lives. 

Venus portals are always choice points where we have the opportunity to receive inner guidance, celebrate liberation from our old identity and anchor more authentic ways of being. We are resurrecting exquisite and deep care, that we may have shut down in childhood, through experiencing mistreatment by others.

We are becoming the unconditionally loving Mother to ourselves. This vivid care is key to creating the partnership culture that honors each one of our unique sparks of genius in the new age.

Danielle Gimario of Shamanic Astrology popularized linking these portals with the chakras. Although I respect his work, in my 10 years of syncing with Venus, this method hasn't resonated, as it feels like an abstraction that doesn't quite fit.

Yes, she is emerging from the Underworld and our womb can support our hearts but I have found more relevance in focusing on the sign that she is in at that point in the journey rather than pinning her 7-8 month journey specifically to the chakra system. 

Christmas honors the son of God and older traditions honor the return of the Sun after the longest night (in the Northern hemisphere.) At this epic time we are leaving behind the Age of Pisces, which was the age of organized religion, and entering the Age of Aquarius, the age of the awakened human. 2023 will be another huge dose of that frequency as Pluto is shifting into Aquarius.


Even if you currently resonate with organized religion and I would include Buddhism, Modern Wicca and New Ageism in that category, you may be discovering new ways of listening to your deeper guidance instead of relying on external authorities of any kind. The Source within you, however, you speak of it.

The wisdom of Venus on her heroine's journey with the Sun reveals how our hearts are the ultimate oracle and when we are anchored in the frequency of love we can trust our own guidance on our sacred journey to bring our gifts at this tumultuous time.

Blessings on your journey! 

Art by Dhira Lawrence


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