Stabilizing after the Storm

Jun 02, 2022

Eclipse season came to a close with the New Moon in Gemini on Monday. Mercury goes direct in the wee hours tomorrow. The Sky story in May was a particularly wild ride. How did you fare?

In Venus wisdom, we encounter the joys and challenges of the planetary energies as part of our heroine’s journey, which aligns with Venus’ 19-month cycle.

We are currently in the Morning Star Descent phase. The theme of releasing layers of false identity to discover more of the truth of who we are was amplified under these skies.

Mercury retrograde took us on a ride of scrambled communication, tech glitches, and likely some deep introspection. When the Trickster messed with our sense of order and linear reality, were we able to be reflective instead of reactive?

The Scorpio eclipse stirred the pot of our deepest and darkest patterns. Hidden truths may have been unearthed along with a cathartic release of emotions.

Depending on how this was handled, connections may have been ruptured causing breakups of all kinds. Or, we may have experienced a powerful healing through transmuting shadow aspects that have been unconsciously driving us.

Just as the dust was settling, Mars blazed into his home sign of Aries. Then, Venus met up with Mars’ sister, Eris aka, the Goddess of Chaos, right before she met the Moon and opened up the New Venus Portal in Aries on May 26th.

You may have felt like you were in recovery mode since Venus slipped into her home sign of Taurus on May 28th. Your body may have demanded to slow down and rest more to be able to integrate what was released, what was lost, and what was illuminated by those cosmic lightning bolts of change.

In June, Venus is in her home sign Taurus, Mars is in his home sign of Aries and Mercury shifts into its home sign of Gemini on the 13th. The planets that represent Feminine Essence, Masculine Essence and Mind are in their purest expression.

This temporary alignment connects to a larger theme in 2022; the seeding of a more mature union of our feminine and masculine nature as we become initiated humans with the wisdom to birth a new world.


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