September Sky Story & Venus Wisdom

Sep 17, 2021
The New Venus Portal on September 9th opened with Venus and Moon meeting at 29˚ Libra. If you caught them on the 9th, they were hanging close together in the western sky after dusk. If you saw them the night before or after, they had quite a bit of space between them in the Sky.
Venus has been quickly moving towards her peak as Evening Star in November. She moved through Virgo from July 22nd - August 15th and Libra from August 16th - September 10th.
Venus represents our Feminine Essence and our ability to navigate from our heart wisdom. She has been strong in her home sign of Libra and we may have felt injustice viscerally during this time. As Evening Star, she is gaining confidence to embody a more authentic version of herself, the result of the shedding of identity during her time in the Underworld from February to mid-May. We are being asked to show up more fully as we truly are, freed from our conditioning and societal expectations.
Virgo purifies our consciousness to prepare to meet Sacred Other. The Sun is still activating this sign as we move towards Equinox. Libra is the first point of objective awareness in the natural zodiacal flow. We refine, analyze and work with the urge to improve ourselves in Virgo, to prepare us to understand another perspective.
The skill of listening to another from their perspective, not our own, is much needed now as we learn to co-create a partnership model. This does not mean that we cannot know what lives in our own hearts and honor it. We are being asked to cultivate both/and instead of either/or awareness.
Venus dropped into the sultry depths of Scorpio on September 10th. Her time here may reveal deeper feelings within our hearts, possibly shadow material that is ready to be transformed. When we are rooted in our authentic feeling, we are less able to be manipulated by fear tactics. Venus in Scorpio can gift us resilience in these triggering times. When we say yes to what is ready to die, our vitality is liberated.
Now with Mercury in Libra and Mars heading there soon, we may have more insight into how the imbalances of the world are affecting our lives what adjustments we wish to make to stay centered.
Mercury will go retrograde in Libra on September 26th, direct again on October 19th and remain in Libra until November 5th, accentuating the archetype of Lady Justice. Staying in touch with our inner truth is key to navigating these polarized times.
The power move for this entire Venus in Gemini cycle, is to be discerning and to be willing to choose not to know, to support dropping from our heads to our heart. Those who are able to stay open and flexible as the pressure increases will have an increased ability to see the new possibilities emerging. Those who can see with their hearts are the leaders into the new reality that is emerging.
Image: artist unknown

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