Blessed September Equinox: A Holy Time of Balance of Night and Day

Sep 23, 2021
The astrology today is a map for the next 3 months.
The Sun shifts into Libra today at 12:21 pm PDT. Venus as ruler of Libra has great influence over this time. She represents what we enjoy, our values, our self-esteem, how we give and receive affection, our sensual experience of being alive, how we relate to money. The most primary and pleasurable aspects of being alive.
Venus is key to the positive re-creation of culture as we move into the Age of Aquarius. Syncing with her cycle creates intimacy with our deepest embodied truth and connects us to the Solar Feminine. Her 19-month cycle is a dance of Life, Death and Rebirth with the Sun and in connection to the Moon.
On this Equinox day, all of the planets are retrograde except Mercury, Venus and Mars. Mercury is preparing to go retrograde on Sunday. Mars is in his Underworld journey, under the beams of the Sun and invisible from Earth. Venus is the Queen of the Sky story, moving towards the peak of her heroine's journey and greatest height as Evening Star.
Venus is currently in Scorpio. Here, she teaches us that in order to experience the exalted feminine, we must deal with our shadow feminine material and the areas of life that modern culture considers taboo - death, sex, birth, menstruation, mental breakdown. Scorpio energy touches upon trauma points and especially sexual trauma as it rules the genitals and represents the darkest night in the process of initiation.
Venus in Scorpio shows us that we must become intimate with our own feminine aggression to learn the art of transmutation. The secret of the witch, dakini or medicine woman is that the heart is a cauldron that can hold then transform all of our life experiences, liberating the most painful experiences back to pure vitality, gifting us more aliveness. If we are willing to fully feel, present time, without the stories of the past that bind us to a specific and well-worn meaning.
The feminine tends to fight wars under the radar through manipulation, exclusion and through sabotage of others who are perceived to have more beauty, more influence, more power. In dominator culture, women have been left out of power structures and many have learned the art of passive aggression. We are pioneering new territory around holding power, creating wealth and taking leadership. The Solar Feminine lights the way.
Venus in Scorpio holds the frequency of the Underworld. As we gain influence, height, abundance, she asks us, "Is your heart pure? Have you wed your power with kindness?" If not, we will not create a new paradigm through our leadership. Regardless of anatomy, women can be just as ruthless as domineering men.
We are being asked to resurrect our sacred feminine energy as fuel for our Heroine's Journey to awaken to our power as creators. Self-realization is among the greatest powers. The intentional obscuration of this ability has diminished our agency and kept humans chained to stories of powerlessness and victimhood.
Ancient teachings designed to assist humans to wake up to their true power were kept hidden and protected, lest they fall into the hands of someone with a corrupted motivation. Yet, the wisdom traditions of the world have been unleashed in the span of one generation.
Power can be used for creation or destruction. We are all choosing now. New Age spirituality has encouraged many to practice "black magic" under the guise of love and light - spells for love, orgasms to obtain material wealth. Are we using spiritual practice for consumption or to generate?
Venus in Scorpio can detect the bullshit and requires authenticity in her relations. She wants to go deep and connect in the waters of what is true - even if it's hard, even if it's painful, even if it's material that scares everyone else. She has great medicine for healing if you are willing to be naked, be vulnerable and own your shadow. Venus is fierce here, not necessarily nice, but real.
The Aquarius Age that is starting to blossom now was seeded in the cultural revolution of '60s. One thread of this revolution was the hippies of the West traveling to the East to sit at the feet of gurus, meditate and learn a new paradigm for living.
We now have access to a wide range of maps for awakening - some pure, some distorted. Can we tell the difference? Do they lead us back to our own inner knowing? Are they laced with spiritual bypassing and false positivity masking as realization? Do the leaders within the traditions have a pure heart? Have they wed power with kindness?
Purity has to do with being internally connected to Source energy and in service to goodness. Not, superficial goodness, but deep authentic alignment. As we seek our kindred spirits, we learn that people can be givers or takers, open-hearted or consumptive, in service to life or death.
We are in a watershed moment of revealing our inner motives and seeing others through the eyes of the heart. This can be a sacred time of purifying our own self-absorbed, competitive, stingy and limited patterns. It's not easy to reconcile with the truth of our shadow but it is the key to freedom. We can delight in the revealing of truth, no matter how unseemly that truth may be.
Uranus, the Awakener, is directly opposite Venus at this Equinox time, asking us to liberate ourselves from our conditioning that disempowers and enslaves us. This energy implores us to embrace our uniqueness, own our weirdness and reclaim the places where we have shut down because being different was too much.
The quirky ones, the artists, the travelers, the renegades, the magicians, the creatives, the sensitives, the freedom lovers who live outside the box have been exiled for too long. When we align with our own authenticity, we sent out a signal for our kindred spirits to find us.
Underworld energy can feel timeless and we can fear that we will get stuck in it forever. This is the hell of trauma loops - stuck in the pain of the past and unable to come into the safety of the present. Yet, we have opportunities to rewrite our story, to warm the frozen parts, to ask for support from those we trust.
Watching the sunset is particularly powerful tonight as this Equinox correlates with the western setting sun with the glyph of Libra, a symbol of it. Venus will be visible when the Sun's rays fade. Watch for her and allow her to support you to deepen into the vastness of your heart.
May we welcome our ancient stories of disempowerment that still control us and offer them to the Sun. May we take time and space to nourish our bodies, to feed our feminine nature. May we love all of ourselves, forgiving ourselves for every harmful thing that has happened to us or because of us, tapping into the ocean of compassion that is always available when we remember. May we remember and share our purity of heart with those we love.

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