September Equinox and Evening Star Venus First Sighting

Sep 01, 2019
The Great Rebalancing of Power
September Equinox 2019
On Monday, September 23rd at 12:50 am the Sun goes into the Sign of Libra = Equinox + Equal day and night. May you have moments of joy, ease, naturalness, and feel the abundance of harvest time. If you wish to know my special offer for today only, read all the way through.

If you are a sensitive being, you may be feeling the heavy undercurrents this month. If you are noticing what's out of balance in your life, that's an important insight. If conflicts are highlighted, note the core issues. If you are feeling isolated, heavy, depressed, and wrong you are not alone. Life as we knew it is transforming beneath us and many are struggling to find the ground.

We are now in the crucible of change invited to find spaciousness in the crunch, to be more at ease with the unknown, to soften our fixation on security, to become magicians of the moment. The Great Rebalancing of Power is upon us.
Venus in Libra, ruler of Libra, will be rising in the West after sunset as Evening Star. She is strong here inviting our hearts to be strong as we move through these intense and heavy times. We will be receiving important lessons in our relating over the next month.

I just received news from a friend in Hawaii that Venus was visible tonight there! We are in a final process now to support our rebirth into our unique radiance. I encourage you to look for Venus in the west after sunset.

Venus in Libra is Queen of Justice. When we are skilled at resolving conflict then we have the ability to accomplish harmony. There is no peace without justice. Justice is willing to meet discord and see the truth of who is being harmed and why. Justice is willing to take a risk to help the vulnerable.

When we have been humbled by life, brought to our knees, heartbroken, discouraged, we are in the Underworld. When we are softened by grief and loss, we are more open to the deeper current of what Life is showing us. We are in touch with our greatest vulnerability and the impermanence of all things.

We descend and we rise again.  
When we are coming out of the Underworld, the Question is: How will We Rise? Do we reject the Dark Queen, judge her/us, leave hastily with disgust and relief? Or.. do we turn and bow to She who holds all the pain that the topside world cannot bear? Can we be gracious and thank her for the wisdom gained through hardship? Do we remember that we will return again? Will we use our influence to help those more vulnerable than us? Time will tell.

The Venus Cycle teaches us about the flow of Life, Death, Rebirth, and how to meet our suffering with greater empowerment. The Feminine Mysteries are a map that illustrates the personal growth work necessary to be trusted to wield power wisely. Power with instead of power over.
We are now in the second half of Venus' cycle that started in October 2018. She has not risen in Libra for 155  years. Those who have the most power on this planet are demonstrating their lack of integrity, compassion, and reverence for life. The emergence of Venus in this cycle is especially important for our empowerment.

We have an opportunity to recalibrate our Mind/Will in service to our Heart/Body Wisdom. We are being asked to heal our fragmentation and forge a new way of relating to ourselves and others, free of the dominator conditioning.

Venus will now be moving over the same points in our charts/lives she activated at the beginning of her cycle last November. The same issues may appear in our relating - yet we are wiser now after our Underworld time.
When we live from the primacy of our Heart, we experience our raw feelings without getting hooked into the stories of the past. Incredible liberation is available. Are you available for something new?

Life's invitation is to remember our innocent hearts so we may begin anew. We have been through an ordeal of some kind this past summer. If not personally then as humans in a world that continues to pulse with the pain of deep restructuring in these turbulent times.

The Queen of Justice holds zero-point consciousness in her womb/heart. We can see all and choose to act from a neutral place and find the center. The balance point: not indulging in emotional reaction nor disassociating from the severity of the issues at hand.

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