Radiant Mind and Adventurous Heart

Nov 17, 2019
Hope you are finding moments to nourish yourself during these increasingly turbulent times. We are recovering from fires and blackouts here in Sonoma County and CA. Today I see that wildfires are raging throughout the East Coast of Australia. Life as we have known it is quickly shifting before us.

We are coming in the last stretch of Scorpio season where the intensity of life is felt most strongly and secrets and hidden truths are revealed. This is amplified with Mercury retrograde from October 31st-November 20th.

Venus is in Sagittarius moving towards her meet up with Jupiter and the Galactic Center. It's time to expand our epic heart visions after much surrender and loss.

Today is 11-11 and a special day in the Sky Story. Mercury will be VISIBLE crossing the face of the Sun at 18 degrees Scorpio. This transit is only visible 13 times in a century. Tomorrow will move through the very center of the Sun, which makes it even rarer. This transit is exact at 7:21 am PT. If you get this message early, that moment is pregnant with possibilities.

Meditating, journaling, or just sitting and receiving life moving through could be revealing. And if this does not reach you by that time, seize whatever moment you can find to open to revelations and rebirth.

My goal is to get up early and go to the local observatory to view it through a telescope (solar protection is necessary to avoid eye damage!) When I watched Venus cross the face of the Sun in 2012, I received a transmission that changed my life direction and is still rippling in my heart.

Since Mercury represents our Mind and Scorpio is the watery power of transformation, we are ripe for deep, felt understanding. The mind/feeling link is strong in Scorpio and because Mercury met up with Venus before descending. Mercury is in the heart of the Underworld now and acts as a psychopomp, one who guides the dead to the next part of their journey.

Check your chart for planets between 11-27 degrees Scorpio to see if you are having an activation with this retrograde. Something may be revealed that you may have not been ready to see yet and your security may be confronted. Trust your gut instinct to discern the truth and right action. Astrologer Gary Caton describes it as, "a penetrating emotional clarity that arrives as an inner epiphany."
We are understanding more about power on every level. How do we stay centered during so much change and uncertainty? Remembering to breathe and find neutral within is key.

The words "conspire" ("to breathe together) and "inspire" ("to breathe upon") are closely related. Perhaps as we see the deepest shadows and abuses of power coming into view, we can remember that we are all in this together. I imagine we each have different assignments in unearthing what has been hidden. If we can resist judging each other or spiraling into fear, we can piece together our discoveries and learn more from each other. Working together is the way through.

The revolution of our time is to remember and embody our humanity and increase our ability to connect with each other. Not easy in our increasingly tech distracted reality. The invitation is to create a culture that values the naturalness of life and innovates new systems that work in harmony with nature while honoring human needs. Notice how blame and guilt are being used to paint a picture that diminishes all humanity. Can we root into our preciousness while opening to new ways of living with resources?

So many people are saying "yes" to this journey during this Time of Great Rebalancing of this current Venus cycle. Knowing our astrological template of masculine and feminine energies is incredibly supportive.

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