New Venus Portal in Sagittarius

Oct 08, 2021


The Sagittarius New Venus Portal is open! The energies of this gate invite us to drop into our hearts and connect with the fires of freedom; to purify in the flames of truth.

When we say "yes" to this step of our heroine's journey, we reveal more of who we really are. As we anchor in our Essence we strengthen our ability to bring our unique medicine at this turbulent time. Yours is needed.

Venus and the Moon will meet exactly at 2˚ of Sagittarius on Saturday, 10/9 at 12:36 pm PT.

This particular Venus cycle is giving us critical teachings on how we resurrect the sacred feminine and restore equality from the inside out. What we learn in this cycle lays the groundwork for the next 8 years. This time period will be the most transformative in recorded human history.

The New Venus Portal is an incredible time to go outside at dusk to see Venus and Moon together in the western sky as it darkens.

The Moon represents our lunar feminine which keeps us safe by holding us in our history, our conditioning, and identity. Venus represents our Solar Feminine, encouraging us to be courageous enough to feel what is arising without any story.

The Solar Feminine blazes a new trail into radical, embodied presence through fully feeling our feelings in present time. At this evolutionary moment, we need both aspects of the feminine to bridge the evolutionary leap we are making.

We are being asked to allow our sacred rage to burn, held in the waters of kindness. Our hearts have the ability to hold it all and guide us on our path at this epic time.

We may release self-righteousness, assuming another's truth, needing to be right, acting carelessly on intuition without reality-checking the facts.

We may let go of relationships that are no longer aligned at the level of belief including teachers and mentors who have taught us and practices that no longer resonate.

As we release beliefs, we may find more potency in our simple beingness. We may become more curious, more attuned to another's perspective, more open to new ideas, and more able to listen deeply.

May we each connect with the blessings we need to actualize our most exalted dream of rebuilding the world. Together, we hold the vision of the future.


Artist: Kevin Radthorne

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Start activating your heroine powers and syncing with Venus...

Women have unique feminine qualities depending on our Venus Design. When we cultivate these specific qualities, we align with our natural femininity and can show up with greater authenticity and power. 

When we embody our Venus design, we strengthen our inner knowing and guidance in the face of the turbulence of the great change of ages we are living through.

✨ Find your personal Venus sign and her pleasure, power and Queen wisdom. Even if you know your Venus sign, you will find insight in this resource.

✨ You can create an astrology chart to locate your Venus, if needed.

We are in the moving through the second half of a Venus in Leo cycle.
In this heroine's journey, we are invited to increase our faith and allow our inner strength to shine brighter. We have been tested on this quest for greater intimacy with our creative powers and knowing our sovereignty.

Are you ready?

Your VENUS SIGN starts the journey.

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