New Venus Portal in Aquarius

Mar 28, 2022
Yesterday morning, on March 28th, Venus and Moon met in the pre-dawn sky at 21˚Aquarius at 6:48 am Pacific. Each month they conjunct and open a gateway or portal in Venus' 19-month cycle.
Can you feel the shift? This is the first portal in a sign other than Capricorn since October 9th, 2021 when Venus and Moon met in Sagittarius and opened the portal of her greatest elongation from the Sun as Evening Star in her last Gemini cycle. That was the climax of her last heroine's journey.
Venus moved into Capricorn on November 5th and went retrograde on December 19th. She united with the Sun on January 8th, 2022, and began the Capricorn cycle that will take us through August 13th, 2023.
Venus shifted into Aquarius on March 5th and now meets the Moon to open up the monthly portal. Every monthly New Venus Portal since October has been in Capricorn until today.
The Star card came forward for this portal and resonates with the energies of Aquarius as the Water Bearer. More on this in a bit.
We have had four months to root into the Capricorn energy of this cycle. We may have noticed the invitation to take more responsibility for our actions, to get more serious about doing what we love, and to commit more deeply to the people we want to partner with to reach our most exalted goals to create a new reality on this planet.
Earthy Capricorn is the sign of convention and airy Aquarius is the sign of the unconventional. Venus is not only how we bond with ourselves and others but her cycle is the golden key into this new age. The birth of radical care for each other and realignment with nature's way is calling us.
The meaning of radical is "root" and care is at the core of human connection. The dominator culture has lied and manipulated us to create the belief that humans are the opposite of our nature. Find the ways that you have bought into this propaganda and reclaim the magnificence of your birthright. We haven't even begun to live into the full potential of our multidimensional selves.
What out-of-the-box solutions are showing up to assist you to make progress on your delightfully impossible (from a 3D perspective) heart-centered visions?
Venus in Aquarius teaches us the importance of the frequency of love. Pay attention to this energy now as she shifts into the mysterious waters of Pisces on April 5th.
This is also Venus' first portal of descent. After her greatest elongation from the Sun at March Equinox, she will begin her five-month descent that concludes in her disappearance behind the Sun and her deep initiation in the Underworld around August 14th.
She was in the sign of Aquarius when she has differentiated from the light of Source. How have you claimed your sovereignty and ceased relying on the approval of parental figures and authorities?
Her upcoming quest will teach her how to embody the radiance of her vision and find the inner connection to Source to guide her at every turn during these turbulent times. When we synch with Venus' cycle, we are fortified in our own journey to trust our inner wisdom. We are her and she is us.
The plans we made with our heads and from our dying identities won't help us to reach this vision. Who do you feel aligned with on the frequency of visionary love? Pay attention to who is in your field and how you feel in your body about collaborating with them. If it's a "F*uck, yes!" nourish those connections now.
You may have felt a break, a shock, a disconnect on March 20th Equinox when Venus in Aquarius moved through a tense square with Uranus in Taurus. This happens about every 5 months and the lightning bolt of truth may shake us up and show us we are not in alignment with our truest vision in our relating.
Did the storm cleanse your partnerships or end them? Now is a potent time to face more of the reality of what is unfolding. Share deeper truth to clear up misunderstandings. Clear space for more of the vibrancy of living on the edge of an emerging vision with those who are willing to meet the fear and tension with relaxed presence and keep tuning in as the next step appears from the unknown path. Burn what is ready to be released.
As far as the Star card, this image is perfect for this portal. The maiden in this card is naked and making water offerings.
Her foot is in the pool but does not penetrate it. She is guiding and guided by the power of water without getting lost in emotionality or subconscious programs. The meaning of this card is clarity, healing, wholeness - having faith in something larger than we can understand and knowing it is going to turn out for the good. This makes sense after the Tower card-like energies at the Equinox (the card that comes before Star.
Venus meets up with Saturn, Teacher of Authority, at 12:27 pm today. You can see in the chart Saturn is an important player in this New Venus Portal. Saturn has been in Aquarius since December Solstice of 2020 meeting with Jupiter at 0 and seeded a new 20-year cycle inviting us to say yes to our role in anchoring a new Aquarian culture.
Saturn represents the rules of society and in Aquarius is helping us face our fear of disapproval and discipline ourselves to manifest our revolutionary visions that confront the current paradigm. Saturn implores us to stand for our unique vision and claim our truth outside the mainstream ideas and what is accepted in the group. Pay attention to the attempts to digitally control our lives and censor our voices on social media. Saturn is giving us clues to the negative version of the Age of Aquarius.
Juno, the major asteroid named "The Divine Consort" by Demetra George joins the party at 21 Aquarius. Her Greek name "Hera" connects to the word "Hero" and is another word for Heroine. She is loyal in her partnerships and shows us how equal and mutually beneficial relating can elevate partnership.
Mars is still close by and visible in the pre-dawn sky pulling ahead of Vesta, named "The Eternal Flame" by Demetra George. Vesta was integral to the first union of Venus and Mars on February 16th before they met Pluto's forces of Life, Death, and Rebirth, initiating us deeper into our integration of masculine and feminine within.
The devotion to our own spark within that connects us to Source needs tending as we go deeper into the darkness of these times. Where and how do you feel the fire of passion and inspiration each day? Who and what do you love to be around? Feel, receive and follow your heart's desires.
Venus' contacts with Pluto have given us a preview of the Underworld energies we will face on our journey in mid-August at the powerful solar gate of mid-summer/mid-winter, depending on which hemisphere you reside.
We must hold the vision of a brighter future for the next generation. It is our responsibility to the young people who will lead us into the next age. Even if we do not understand how this will take form we can allow the new dream to flow through our bodies as we move through the final breaking apart of the dominator culture and welcome each tendril of rebirth.
Our bodies are the vessel that facilitate the power of water to reshape reality. As Venus continues her portals of descent, we will be invited to purify and shed all aspects of our enslaved identities. Through not knowing and embodying the flow of the intelligence of nature we become the Liberated Water Bearers for this new world.

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Women have unique feminine qualities depending on our Venus Design. When we cultivate these specific qualities, we align with our natural femininity and can show up with greater authenticity and power. 

When we embody our Venus design, we strengthen our inner knowing and guidance in the face of the turbulence of the great change of ages we are living through.

✨ Find your personal Venus sign and her pleasure, power and Queen wisdom. Even if you know your Venus sign, you will find insight in this resource.

✨ You can create an astrology chart to locate your Venus, if needed.

We are in the moving through the second half of a Venus in Leo cycle.
In this heroine's journey, we are invited to increase our faith and allow our inner strength to shine brighter. We have been tested on this quest for greater intimacy with our creative powers and knowing our sovereignty.

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