Mercury goes Retrograde in Libra

Sep 28, 2021
All eyes are on Venus in the current Sky story. Mercury going retrograde in Libra, Venus' sign, adds another emphasis on the Sacred Feminine, represented by Venus.
Venus is known for being the planet with the energy of love, yet most are unaware of the depth and truth of what this means.
Venus is connection, sensuality, and how we give and receive affection. She is also our core values, discernment, self-esteem, as well as our ability to attune and relate to others.
Venus loves to magnetize. She loves enjoyment. She is pleasure.
She is wealth, not only money, but the full sensation of having abundance. She fans the flames of our creative talents and urges us to express them.
Tapping into our Venus energy strengthens our ability to move through the challenges and know ourselves as heroine along the way. She teaches us we can claim victory at each step on our journey.
Venus shows us how we relate to our own beauty and how to be nourished by our own Essence.
Venus’s desire for the ideal gives us the energy we need to create our own ideal life.
Venus teaches us that life is not about reaching the destination but how we relate to our experience on the journey - that is where we find fulfillment.
Currently, Venus is Evening Star and the climax of her 19-month cycle with the Sun. Here, she will rest on her throne as Queen of Heaven and Earth.
Venus in Scorpio is asking us to claim our power through confronting shadow in ourselves and others. But, first, we must listen deeply...
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