March Equinox: Morning Star Venus Surrenders

Mar 03, 2019
Tomorrow is March Equinox and we cross into the astrological new year. 
At 2:59 pm PDT. On March 20th the Sun leaves the watery depths of Pisces and enters Aries. This is the sign that initiates the Wheel of the Zodiac and we have a chance to be born anew. Yet, Mercury is still in Pisces along with Neptune and we are still under the influence of this dreamy and sometimes confusing energy.

Before the new cycle is the deepest letting go. The Sun is still in the last degree of Pisces. This is one of the most powerful points for release. Are the tears washing you clean? Is your grief welling up inside of you asking for space to be felt? Is there something in your life that feels like a burden you can no longer carry? Today and tomorrow morning are a beautiful time to create psychic, energetic, and emotional space in your life for the new growth coming. Take time to listen to the messages in your heart and dreams.

The Feminine and Masculine continue to be called to find true equality, internally and externally. The Great Rebalancing is upon us.

We are in a Cycle of Feminine Healing that includes a time of Surrender now, Union in the Summer, and Maturation in the Fall. Revolutions in our Body Wisdom are awakening. Have you been feeling more about how your body is a bridge between the density and the infinite? This knowledge will be activated for many in the coming years.

Venus is in her Surrender and Discovery phase on Her way to the Underworld this summer where she will meet her Beloved, Mars. She is getting lower in the Morning Sky each month. This is a time of giving up our defenses that block our open heart so that we may soften and be more of who we are. Our wild, unknowing Feminine nature sources guidance from Her center and body knowing. Be kind as you allow masks to fall away and discover more of your truth.

I enjoy getting up and watching the sunrise on Equinox, do you? Right now, Venus, Saturn, and Jupiter are visible in the Southeast before dawn. So beautiful.

The Sun will be very close to Chiron in Aries at the Equinox point. This indicates this next year will be focused on healing our identity wound and reclaiming shattered parts of the Masculine - especially the toxic expressions that overcompensate for feeling powerless. Chiron moved into Aries mid-February and was cleansing our deepest wounds of separation at that last degree of Pisces for a month before that. Tender time for many.

Have you been hearing a lot more about Chiron lately? This odd and powerful planetoid represents the Wounded Healer and seems to be getting more attention in popular astrology these days. This makes sense as Chiron was discovered in 1977 and this is the first time we have lived consciously through a Chiron in Aries cycle. If you were born between 1968 and 1977 you are entering your Chiron return phase and this is particularly strong for you. Chiron will be coming back to the same spot in your chart as when you were born at some point in the next 7 years. Welcome to your wisdom years. It's an especially potent time to align with your astrology.

As the corruption and life-destroying intent of our patriarchal society gets exposed more  (thanks to Saturn, Pluto, and S. Node in Capricorn), we need the heroic protective force of the Masculine energy to rise. This is alive in all of us, no matter what gender.

May we walk in beauty at this time of balancing within and in our relations. 

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