Jupiter joins Venus in Capricorn

Dec 01, 2019

Hope you are taking time to nourish your body and soul as we move into the holiday season. The rains have finally come to Northern California and everything feels different on the land where I live. What a relief after the extended dry season here and fires burning nearby causing evacuation for thousands. Now, we face the possibility of floods. What a challenging and potent time to be alive.

Currently, we are moving through the Sagittarius season, gathering our faith and vision for the longest night of December 21st when the Sun moves into Capricorn. 2020 is coming fast and the themes are intense; pointing to the continued dismantling of the dominator power structures and the invitation to embody the Earth wisdom of the Grandmothers and live with our hearts open and curious. More on that soon.

Yesterday the largest planet, bestower of blessings, Jupiter shifted signs from freedom-loving Sagittarius enthusiastic fire to serious and disciplined Capricorn energy. Did you feel the change? This is a big deal as Jupiter will be in Capricorn until December Solstice of 2020.

Capricorn is the site of our major collective transformation as we move into the Age of Aquarius in 2020. This is the sign where planetary influences have been strong in reshaping life as we knew it since 2008 and then adding another level at Winter Solstice, 2017. Jupiter joins this crew helping us to bring our big visions into the real.

Venus is in Capricorn now, still reverberating from her meet up with Jupiter in Sag at the Galactic Center on November 24th. Our deep heart and values had the chance to align with our beliefs and the meaning we share in our social realms. You may have received a revelation about your bigger vision, plan, or purpose that you are still integrating. How are you feeling? Between now and Solstice there is an opening for visioning, dreaming BIG, sharing our inspirations with others.

Venus in Capricorn energy is how we bring the spark of inspiration in our hearts into the world. She knows how to support her vision in moving forward, even when it doesn't feel good, even when it's hard, even when she is in a bad mood. She persists and she matures every time she says no to all the distractions to say yes to the extraordinary life she is building, step-by-step, day-by-day.

I will be dropping deep into the Venus in Capricorn as Evening Star wisdom in our next free class on Friday, 13th. Syncing with the Venus cycle can be medicine for those who are called to risk being fully alive, take bold actions, and to live our dreams at this turbulent time. I am personally on this path and Venus wisdom has helped me every step.

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