Dec 03, 2021
We are living legends born into this epic time of great change, beyond our imagination. Our children’s children will share stories of us and what we did at this time. Did we contract in fear and keep orienting to the slave programming? Did we find the courage to rise into the truth of who we are and liberate ourselves?
Some of us have heard the call to awaken to our full potential and become a powerful presence of pure love so needed in the world right now. I imagine all of us reading this have heard that call - in our dreams, in peak experiences flooded with clarity, in moments when we were cracked open, in times of ecstasy.
Maybe it was only a whisper. But it penetrated us to the core. We knew it was the most important event of our lives. It smelled like Eden. Maybe we lost the scent of the trail for years. For decades. But it haunted us and we kept listening for it, kept turning towards it, even when we feel disheartened. Even when we no longer believe that goodness could blossom into a world that honored life, that protected the sacred, a world where care mattered more than might.
Every time we answered that call, we become heroines stepping into the Great Unknown. We began our journey again and again. We initiated a quest to connect with our inner knowing and to trust that everything we need to know is encoded within us. A quest to live our sacred purpose.
On this journey, we slay distortion and lies that keep us living in limitations. We release lifetimes of stagnant beliefs about religion, spirituality, philosophy and society. We are willing to see how all of these can be a trap that keeps us from our connection to Source within. We become more vividly who we are and face the discomfort that brings.
When we sync with Venus, we fan the flames of our evolution and dare ourselves to make the leap into our multidimensional self - the one who knows herself as infinite.
Our Venus Avatar is an invitation into our unique feminine essence. It’s an empowerment to become our own heroine. It’s not an archetype constructed in another culture from another time. It’s intimately pointing to our own nature - to us as part of the mystery with our unique flavor, color, sensation, and design. Together, we are creating a golden web of support across the globe. We leap together.
December opened with the mists of Neptune parting, Venus illuminated at her most powerful position as Evening Star and shadows on fire with a total solar eclipse, unseen for most of the world. Buddhism teaches that everything that we think, do and say is amplified 100,00 times on a solar eclipse. How we direct our attention today is significant.
When we sync with Venus we keep our attention on the journey of our hearts. We carry the golden thread from the union of Venus and Sun on June 3rd, 2020. We weave our heroine's story from Morning Star, Underworld, Evening Star. We are on the brink of the retrograde that will bring us into Reset - the time in between the cycle. Not yet, though...not quite yet.
We are now closing the final Venus Portal before we shift into reflection and reset for the next cycle. The invitation is to keep our seat - fully receiving all the blessings and challenges of this journey until we begin this transitional portal on December 6th. With all that's pulling at us, can we stay focused on embodying this time of climax? Can we choose not to know, to slow down and feel? Can we hold all the gems we gathering on this journey that began in the summer of 2020? We are not the same. We don't know what will come next.
Venus in Capricorn shining bright supports us to take our heart knowing seriously and to increase our commitment to our relations. We can use this culmination to strengthen our love for ourselves, our connection to Source, our bond with nature, and our appreciation for all our relationships that survived the storm.
Thank you for being a heroine of heart and shining brightly in your world. Together, we will re-dream the world. 🌟🌹🌟
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