Can you feel the Lion's Roar of Your Heart?

Aug 06, 2021

The Galactic Wheel is turning, the Solar wheel is turning, the Earth wheel is turning. 


Listen and feel what is yours to receive now.


Can you allow Love to warm the ragged edges of where you broke through? Are you willing to be more of yourself?


Your courage is needed to connect with the rebellion that is yours to embody during these turbulent times.


These energies now ask:


*What is your relationship to your land, food and water?"

*Do you have a like-minded network of allies to weave a net of support if the status quo systems fail?

*Do you trust your inner guidance above all else?


Today at 4:47 pm PST our radiant Sun in the sign of Leo is in a tense (square) aspect with Uranus, the Great Awakener in the Venus' earthy, sensuous sign of Taurus.


This aspect is especially important now because our Sun is moving into another sacred turn in our seasonal wheel with the cross-quarter holiday of Lammas exact tonight on August 6th, 6 minutes from midnight (11:54 pm). When the Sun reaches 15˚ Leo, it is exactly halfway in between two of the four primary seasonal wheel.


The Sun was reborn at December Solstice at 0˚Capricorn at the time that Jupiter and Saturn made their 20-year meetup, this time in the sign of Aquarius - moving us through another door, deeper into the Age of Aquarius. As we stand at this threshold with two timelines before us and everything we do each day is voting for one or the other. We will continue to be ruled by dominator consciousness, further empowered by new technologies or we will be part of a revolution of consciousness that opens the way for us to create a new culture based on care and interconnection with Nature.


We approach the much-touted day called  "Lion's Gate" on 8/8 that is described as a "portal", "activation" and, in some places, "the luckiest day of the year." I've done a deep dive into this and will share more about my thoughts in another post. I don't feel that this newer event is what everyone is repeating about it. It's essential to be discerning about which events we "feed" with our attention, energy, and ceremonies. Especially with both Venus and Mars in discriminating Virgo.


Lammas is often celebrated on August 1st or 2nd, although astrologically the Sun does not reach August 6th/7th. This day marks the halfway point in between June Solstice (peak of light/dark) and September Equinox (equal light and dark).


The Anglo-Saxon name, Lammas, "half-loaf" is the holiday often celebrated on August 1st to mark the first harvest (in the Northern Hemisphere). If you know other names given for this cross-quarter turn, please share.


Spiritually, this is a time to receive the fruition of the heart's desires, intentions, magic that was seeded at December Solstice and blossomed at June Solstice.


Practically, this turning connects to our deep relationship with Nature and how we receive nourishment through food. Here in Northern California, we have berries, plums, peaches, nectarines, squash, early apples and corn ready to pick.


The second harvest day will be around the September Equinox and the final one around Samhain, in early October. What food is available for harvest near you? Are you able to access it directly? Are you taking time to anchor gratitude for the abundance you are receiving?


One of the main themes this year has been the square between Saturn, representing the societal structures and rules, and Uranus, the awakening of a new consciousness in the Age of Aquarius. Some have called it the old vs. the new. Saturn has been squaring Uranus from the Aquarius side throughout 2021.


When Saturn joined Pluto in moving through Capricorn from 2017-2020, we saw an amplification of the dominator culture's mechanisms of control through fear. More people became aware that our move towards democracy has morphed into more of a plutocracy, rule by an elite few.


Perhaps this began with the fall of the market in 2008 when Pluto went into Capricorn and revealed the inequity of our supposed free society. When Uranus in Aries squared Pluto in Capricorn from 2012-2015 we saw stirrings around the world with the Occupy movement pushing for true democracy. Since Saturn rules (is guardian of) Capricorn, it makes sense that Saturn's transit through this sign would strengthen a bid for power of the elite.


I am beginning to feel Saturn in Aquarius (sign of innovation and technology) as a symbol of our increasing rule by technocracy. We are moving into a time where critical decisions are not made by officials elected by the people but those with specialized expertise, especially technical knowledge. So, Saturn squaring Uranus is illuminating that tension between society organized with technological control and our organic, embodied nature (Taurus).


This tension activated by the Sun in Leo today illuminates the lessons of Uranus in Taurus from the other side. Our luminous, creative Life Force may be freed up when we are willing to embody our rebellious, unique, eclectic, weird Self. The part of us that may have been exiled by the culture and within our own being.


As I write this, the sky is filled with smoke again from a town miles away decimated by never-been-seen violent fires. After a brief respite from masking, California is issuing new orders for masks. It seems likely that another lockdown is imminent here.


Under the energies today, something within us may want to break free from how we have responded previously. We may feel the fires of devotion burning for our creative expression in a culture that does not value the leisure time to tend to our art, slowing down and being with our bodies, spending unlimited time in Nature.


With Venus and Mars in the sign of Virgo, we may feel the call to go within, to be in silence, to commune with Nature and contemplate our place in the Universe. With Venus as Evening Star, we may feel a growing clarity about what is our to do during these increasingly turbulent times. We may have greater trust in our deepest knowing,  even if it does not match the reflections from society, our family, or the status quo that has stabilized us in the past.


The invitation is to create some time to celebrate the harvest and give thanks for nourishment in all of its forms - appreciation of Self, connection with other humans, food, music, laughter. This will sustain us as we move through the eye of the needle deeper into these transformative times.


Image: Cosmic Collage

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