Grandmothers Prayers by Anna Lee aka Anna of the Meadows

Feb 04, 2021
Venus meets Saturn in Aquarius in the Underworld tomorrow, February 5th, asking us to step into heartfelt leadership in stewarding a new vision on Earth. The grandmother lives in each of us, as well as in the elders. The Earth helps us remember.
"Calling All Grandmothers
"We have to live differently.
or we will die in the same old ways.
Therefore I call on all Grand Mothers
everywhere on the planet to rise
and take your place in the leadership
of the world.
Come out of the kitchen
out of the fields
out of the beauty parlors
out of the television
Step forward and assume the role
for which you were created:
to lead humanity
to health, happiness, and sanity.
I call on all the Grand Mothers of Earth
and every person who possesses
the Grand Mother Spirit
of respect for life and
protection of the young
to rise and lead"
Grandmothers Prayers by Anna Lee aka AnnaoftheMeadows
Artist unknown: please share if you do.

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