Full Moon Lunar Eclipse 1/10

Jan 09, 2020
Blessings on your transformation at this Full Moon Lunar Eclipse. Cancer Moon is opposite the Sun in Capricorn along with the rest of the Capricorn Crew: Pluto, Saturn, Ceres, Mercury, Jupiter, South Node. (Remember: Ceres is now a dwarf planet EQUAL to Pluto. She is about the fierce, unconditional Mother love each of us possesses - so good she's in the mix there.)
This Lunar Eclipse is not visible in U.S. and many places and yet still holds meaning and you may experience change, insight, disruptions, a blessing in the area of your life that it touches (Find out which house contain 20 degrees Cancer and Capricorn.) 
Plus - Uranus is stationing and goes direct at 2 degrees Taurus at 5:49 pm which increases the intensity of this eclipse. The Revolution for Human Embodied Wisdom is on. This may be disorienting if it touches sensitive places in your chart. Once Uranus goes to start moving forward you will have a better idea of what to do with this infusion of energy. 
The eclipse portal is peaking at 11:22 am PDT. Be discerning about what you open to receiving today as well as what you put out. Be protective of your psychic space. Set boundaries with love. On eclipse days, I tend to the sacred in the ordinary and keep it simple. As humans, we have front-row seats for this "Change of Ages", the greatest show around. There are many beings who wish to participate who do not have bodies. If you choose to do a ceremony, I encourage you to set clear protective boundaries and stay embodied. Substances that alter reality not recommended.
From a Buddhist perspective all words, thoughts, actions, intentions, prayers are amplified 10,000. With this kind of amplification, we can rejoice at our creative power or go into fear. Choose from your deep heart and be kind about imperfection. We all do harm as part of this life. Today is time to lean into our positive intent for all beings to experience joy, abundance, and connection. Forgive the ways you are not yet able to live that.
Collectively, we are in a crucible of tension as we clear the consciousness of tyranny and co-create a new reality together. Collectively we have forgotten our sacred obligation to the Earth and all who live here. As we see and release the systemic abuses of power in the dominator culture, we unite around what we value and weave networks of support to birth the New Earth, which echos our Ancient Wisdom. Ancient Future is now.
Our heart is key to navigating these intense times. Venus (Heart Wisdom) in Aquarius bright in the west as Evening Star is counseling us to keep a vaster perspective, remember sacred neutrality. She has no aspects to other planets today so her energy is available as a pure dose. Tonight would be an optimum time to connect with her and watch her set.

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