The Bridge from Fear to Freedom in 2021 Part 2

Jan 03, 2021

We are Birthing a New Era

The energies in January are going to get wild and I want to remind you that Venus is sweet medicine for this Age of Aquarius. Care, connection, touch, affection, kindness all go a long way as we navigate this transition.

As I shared in my last post, in 2021 the biggest astrological themes come from the tension between the established and the innovative, the old guard and the new guardians, a culture based on fear and control and one based on care and equality. We are moving from the solidity of earth to the fluidity of air. This is huge and you may already be feeling the shift.

The good news is that the consciousness of Capricorn, which worked us to the bone so that we could see the underlying corruption of the power structures of our current reality, will take a back seat this year. However, Pluto will remain there for three years quietly and relentlessly revealing any abuses of power. Overall things will feel lighter and that they are last.

The clash will play out between the signs of Aquarius and Taurus. Both of these are fixed signs that intend to stabilize their element, so it's discord between two stubborn forces. Taurus stabilizes the earthly realm and Aquarius stabilizes the realm of air. What these signs have in common is that they are both manifestors. We will see widespread societal change happen more quickly than any other time in human history.

Uranus and Saturn are the planets that will be the stars in this dance of tension. We have an interesting reversal going on with Authoritarian Saturn, representing structure, discipline, contraction in Aquarius - the sign of the rebel. Then we have Revolutionary Uranus, which represents liberation, sudden change, quantum leaps in Taurus - the sign most associated with the status quo. This is going to be an interesting tango, where we will dance with Fear dressed as Freedom and Freedom dressed as Your Average Jo or Joanna. All the while we will be invited to see and FEEL the greater truth, beyond appearances.

Uranus, the Great Awakener, has already been in Taurus for a couple of years. Aside from loving the conventional, the Sign of the Bull is the most slowed down, steady, sensual, feminine sign in the zodiac. So, this cosmic Uranian electricity gets grounded in our soma. Uranus is associated with kundalini energy. Learning how to run more ecstatic energy through our systems is prudent right now. Funny and true.

Our lovely and powerful Venus is "in charge" of Taurus and so she is a key player in this revolution. Uranus and Venus both say, “The revolution is IN!” Liberation will come from our embodiment, access to our full DNA codes, and cellular wisdom. Let's do this!

The dominator culture has aimed to prevent us from being fully present in and honoring our body wisdom. The violence of this culture has created mass trauma in humans which disconnects us from our physical experience. We are now coming back home to ourselves.

Another important part of this Uranus in Taurus theme that collective change MUST be consensual or they will be strongly resisted. Claiming our sovereignty over our bodies, belongings and human rights are central themes in this revolution of consciousness.

Of course, December Solstice started a huge emphasis on the sign Aquarius with Jupiter and Saturn meeting there for the Great Conjunction. Saturn will stay in Aquarius for three years and bring structure and form to all the innovative Aquarian ideas. Jupiter expands intelligence, technology, innovation. May we bind this growth in service to humanitarian principles.

Mars will join Taurus on January 6th and stay until March 3rd. This is a significant influence, especially since Mars has been in his home sign Aries since just after the solar eclipse at June Solstice. This was a big chunk of our 2020 reality.

Mars in Aries is a strong dose of yang energy, primal vitality, and desire to go forth and actualize what we want. This Sacred Masculine energy has been in a healing process with Chiron, the Wounded Healer, also in Aries. The energy of the Warrior is being initiated into the energy of the Protector - with a mission to protect and serve the most vulnerable members of society.

Mercury as Mind/Communication moves into Aquarius on January 8th. Get ready for lots of new ideas.

We will then experience the first clash between Authoritarian Saturn in Aquarius and Warrior/Protector Mars in Taurus on January 13th.

Uranus will be turning around to go direct in Taurus on January 14th. This is the time when the energy of a planet is most influential. We may begin to see some sparks during the next layer of this Aquarius dawning.

The Sun then shifts into Aquarius on January 19th, further emphasizing this sign and the themes of freedom, rebellion, alternative perspectives, free-thinking, technology, an increase in innovation, and out-of-the-box solutions.

Warrior/Protector Mars continues his journey through Taurus and meets up with Revolutionary Uranus in Taurus on January 20th. This is inauguration day in the US. There may be disruptions and surprises.

Then the Sun in Aquarius squares off with Mars in Taurus on January 26th. So, we have the opening of all of this new Aquarian energy in creative tension with forces that want to do things the way they have been done. Change may meet resistance, possibly in social upheaval and protests.

The next day, January 27th, Venus reaches the peak of her monthly portal that opened on 1/11, offering us the chance to come back to our bodies, nourish ourselves and find our wisdom and share it with those we love.

I encourage us to take this time for restoration. This day is an alternative point to the full Moon for those syncing with the Venus cycle.

On January 28th, we have a fiery full Moon in Leo clashing with Mars in Taurus with Rebel Uranus nearby.

Also on January 28th, Venus in Capricorn meets Pluto in Capricorn, Lord/Goddess of the Underworld. Think of our young, now wiser Morning Star Maiden, who is about to die to all she thought she was to know more of her Essence. It’s like she’s preparing for a vision quest or a medicine ceremony and meeting with the Shaman/Guide to prepare.

We will close out the month with our first Mercury Retrograde in Aquarius on January 30th. Mercury will travel back over Aquarius and have some difficult and some enlightening conversations that give us clarity about our new Aquarian reality.

Venus finishes her Morning Star phase in January and dives into her Underworld time in early February. She will be invisible to us from Earth until mid-February. That’s a long stay in the Underworld. I will share more on this soon.

Venus moves into the sign of Aquarius in the early hours of February 1st here on the West Coast of California. She may not be visible any longer. Please share if you can see her from where you live.

In Aquarius, she learns to keep perspective and hold space for a new vision, even while traveling into the depths of the Unseen and Unknown.

We are being called upon to steward and honor the unfolding of this epic turn of Ages. I believe that we were born to embody these energies of transformation at this time and find the inner power to re-dream the world with more joy, creativity, and connection.

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