Venus Begins to Wrap Up Her Morning Star Phase

Jul 09, 2022

As I shared in my last post, we are in one of the most potent transformative Venus cycles possible as we move deeper into the Age of Aquarius. When we look around at the tumult in the world, this is no surprise.

Venus represents healthy relating - with ourselves, others and the natural world. She reflects our self-esteem and how we care, connect and attune to others. We are living through the culmination of a culture based on power over, exploitation and disregard for the feminine principle. Mechanistic thinking has brought us to a crossroads where we claim our organic humanity or become machines.

The pervasive conditioning of this culture has entrained us to internalize this oppression of our bodies, our cycles, our creative fire and our deepest feeling nature. Yet, many of us are awakening to the truth of who are and dreaming the new earth into reality in this time of transition.

This feminine force is alive in all humans and I would propose that claiming sovereignty requires each of us to become intimate with both the masculine and energy energies within. Syncing with Venus is a magnificent resource to align with our magical, multidimensional, infinite self WITHIN our own bodies.

The effects of dominator culture have harmed all of us with particular consequences for women as primary targets of violence and with disproportionate blocks to accessing resources along with handling the bulk of parental and household duties.

In this Venus in Capricorn cycle embodied, women of heart fulfilling our sacred mission and supporting ourselves financially is the revolution! We are the heroines of this epic time. We are being asked to find our courage to keep feeling and KEEP GOING.

Capricorn loves perseverance, discipline, making due with less, full-bodied commitment, and the sensuality of manifestation (especially when it doesn't happen on our timeline.) Capricorn teaches us that there is gold in our failures and mistakes… if we don’t give up.

Pluto, the Great Transformer, destroys what is stagnant and corrupt in order to facilitate a regenerative process of rebirth. Pluto has been revealing the rot of this current government and financial system based on the dominator model since 2008. Venus teaches us not to throw the baby out with the bathwater - cherish every movement that humanity has made towards freedom, equality and sustainable systems. How can build on those events in our history?

We are riding this train of transformation all the way through August of 2023, so we have time to learn how sync with Venus and move from the subtly of our Heart Essence. Together, and in partnership with Venus, we are anchoring the new feminine frequency that opens the way to a new way of living as sovereign beings.

In this initiation of heart, we are being stripped, we are being tested, we are facing serious obstacles - especially when we go for our big goals. We are seeing more truth, releasing relationships that are no longer resonant, and discovering more of who we truly are.

In this initiation, we are invited again and again to have the courage to feel what is actually alive in us now, liberated from our conditioning. Most of us have been living from our heads and our history. We are learning a new way to show up to meet our moment. For most of us, dropping into the heart is a new move. First we choose not to know. Then, we dive.

Suddenly we are in the cave of our hearts, finding intimacy with our deeper self, looking up at the vastness of Sky. Here, we can choose to write a new story with the water of our bodies. Here, we can choose softness in the face of pressure. We can dissolve the habit of reaction with openness, we can pierce the tension of duality with curiosity.

If we say yes to this initiation we will be humbled again and again. In time, it feels less like getting our ass kicked and more like a taste of newfound freedom. When we look back at what was released, we feel lighter, more clear, and more prepared to be radically honest with ourselves and others about what we are experiencing.

And… we aren’t meant to do it alone. We need high quality collaborations to create our biggest visions. Learning to find and nourish win-win partnerships is the challenge of these times. All of our shadow material is being revealed in the intensity of what we are moving through now. Part of our mission is to find out who will follow the golden thread of our vision through to the other side of realization. Who can work through the shizz and keep moving forward on the path?

The setbacks, the disappointments, and the losses are a part of the Morning Descent Phase. Not because life wants us to suffer but because we have been living through false identities and this is a time of great purification.

This surrender of what is false prepares us for the deepest initiation of the Underworld, coming right up in August and September. The more we release now, the more we are available to claim our true power when Venus disappears from the Morning Sky and then has her secret meeting with the Sun on October 22nd.

Morning Star Descent in the energy of Capricorn is the death of the Good Girl, the elimination of people pleasing, being nice, the co-dependence of bending for others and resenting it, having fuzzy boundaries and not valuing ourselves fully.

We are learning the difference between niceness and kindness, the real bedrock of our hearts. We are in the process of becoming Queens in the most exalted sense - sovereign, mature, vulnerable, empowered women fulfilling our sacred mission.

When we hold the astrology of the Sky Story through the lens of Venus cycle (Heart Connected to Source) we receive the blessing of this understanding amidst the trials and tribulations of this part of the cycle. This perspective can help us stay centered in love and anchored in our values through these big changes.

One possibility of the Age of Aquarius is that we can choose a future where the natural world and technology are not in conflict but work together synergistically to support more creativity, healing, and happiness. We carry the golden seeds of the new reality in our hearts. We tend the flame of a brighter future. We cultivate faith that we will find our people dreaming the same dream and fulfill our sacred mission.

Venus shifted from her home sign of earthy Taurus into airy Gemini the day after June Solstice. Her movement through Gemini until July 17th is especially important as this was the “Grandmother Clan Energy” of her last Venus in Gemini cycle, June 3rd, 2020 through January 8th, 2022. Yup - this was the signed of the cycle of our heart initiation during the time the whole world re-arranged.

As we move through this Venus in Gemini time we get a check-in to see how much we have anchored living from our heart’s intelligence. Are we practicing staying curious in the face of opposition, of seeing multiple sides of polarization, of using words for art and healing instead of division?

The Venus in Gemini archetype is the Muse, the Flirt, the Geek, the Poet, the Forever Student, the Lover of Words, Ideas and Wit. The is the Sky Dancer, the Dakini, the One who Awakens the small mind to the vast mind. She loves in-between places. She knows the secrets of the fairies. She may look androgenous or move between expressions of masculine and feminine - not attached to either.

Here, the sweet water of the feminine meets the dry air of concept. She is the Wind blowing on naked skin. She is the youthful spirit playing in the mist. Align with beginner’s mind, beginner’s heart, limitless possibility, and the power of sound, words, vibration and song as avenues to be in service to beauty.

Look for this archetype in your world and in yourself. She has an important lesson for you for this leg of your heroine’s journey, especially in the heavy, turbulent, fear-filled terrain of media. Who do you see embodying these qualities? Can you receive her/his medicine?

Look for her in the Sky. Literally, get up before dawn and find a good eastern view. You may need some elevation. She is a liquid jewel of light against the velvet dark. Even though she has dimmed considerably since her greatest brilliance in February, she is still magnificent. Commune with her in the quiet of the earliest morning, before the birds wake up with song and fly towards the Sun’s light.

Next week is the Peak Venus Portal on Monday when Venus in Gemini in the east is in opposition to the Moon in Sagittarius in the West setting. This is a beautiful time to rise early and make a pilgrimage to see her in the Sky. What has been moving through your heart to be released since June 26th?

If you have cleared the way, something new may be blossoming - a desire, an inspiration, an idea, a revelation, a creative offering. Can you show up to receive the fullness of your heart with no expectation? Yes, it’s tricky but Gemini loves to be tricky. She is also the Trickster, laughing with us as we struggle like caterpillars in our chrysalis, believing in wings but never having taken flight.

As you can see from the map of this current Venus cycle, we have only two more visible New Venus Portals where the Solar and Lunar Feminine meet and support us to release our conditioning, rewrite our story and open to our liberation. Don't miss the chance to sync with Venus as Morning Star in this cycle Engage with her energy and receive the reflection of your own strength and beauty!

Art: Mara Friedman

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