Oct 03, 2022
October is a pivotal month in our heroine’s journey. The biggest news is that Venus creates her Underworld Star Point with the Sun in Libra on October 22nd, right before we begin eclipse season.
At our second Underworld Venus Portal on October 24th, there will be a partial solar eclipse with Sun, Venus, and Moon in Scorpio. At the end of the month Mars, our energy for outward action turns retrograde for over two months.
 That Mercury retrograde was quite a tangle for many. Now that Mercury is direct and Pluto and Saturn are to follow this month, it’s time for some forward motion.
As we move into increasing global disruption and change, we are moving through the most challenging astrological period of the year, including the final clash of Saturn and Uranus, which is active now.
Their dance illuminates the tension between the old dying paradigm and the birth of the new. They are both at 18˚ through October 11th even though don’t reach an exact aspect. Remember our Capricorn Venus Star Point is at 18˚ and this degree has been key this year.
I encourage you to save or screenshot the Venus Wisdom Key Astro Dates included so you can follow along.
As we keep moving through the Underworld phase, it’s wise to plan some “off” time to be in nature and silence to receive the depths of what is stirring inside.
Save the Date! Venus Wisdom plans to host a virtual retreat from dawn to dusk on October 22nd to honor this return of the frequency of the “Queen of Justice”.
We hope you will join us for “Offerings of Deep Beauty to Rebalance the World.” More on this soon.

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