Sep 06, 2022
Have you seen Venus before dawn?
We finally had some clear skies here in Northern California (plus a heat wave!) Glad to see Venus again as she prepares to dive into the Underworld.
She is getting harder to see as she’s lower in the sky and closer to the Sun. In Virgo now, she's still close to a royal star, Regulus (not visible for me.)
Venus in Virgo right before the Underworld may inspire some reflections on how we "could have done it better" in the past eight months.
This has been a wild ride and such a deep cycle - and we're not even in the depths of it yet.
Greater honesty about our mistakes can be illuminating at this part of the cycle. Morning Star is about surrendering what is false and opening to more of our authentic truth. For some of us, much was shed.
Discovering more of who we are and what we want can be tender. Self-kindness at this stage is recommended.
We claim our inner heroine when we meet everything on the path as part of our growth process. And that doesn't mean we deserved the shitty parts.
Victory is recognizing all that stands in the way of our inner authority and trusting ourselves. (Venus in Capricorn cycle, baby!)
Maturity, taking responsibility, cultivating discipline, and making moves toward our most ambitious goals to fulfill our sacred mission will continue to theme until the end of this cycle (next summer.)
Empowerment is an inside job and this is a rich time to see where we gave it away and when we trusted our knowing.
We can celebrate all of it and claim victory for showing up for what is real and alive and new in this change of ages. 🌟

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