Sep 28, 2022
​We are in a time of the deep now, the hush beneath the hustle.
 Venus dove into the Underworld around September 18th here in Northern California. Did you notice when she disappeared in the eastern sky before dawn in your land?
A few days after we crossed the threshold of Equinox when the Sun shifted into Venus's sign of Libra, the Moon met up with Venus. September 24th was our first invisible New Venus Portal at 24˚ Virgo.
Currently, Mercury and all other planets besides Venus and Mars are retrograde, offering reflections on many aspects of ourselves and our lives. We have much support for attuning to our inner world now.
The Venus portals are potentized windows to drop into the deeper river of our hearts, to feel what is moving through, and receive our inner flow with greater honesty and humility. From this raw material, we rewrite our story and claim ourselves once again as heroines on our journey.
At the Virgo New Venus Portal, Venus in Virgo made a harmonious trine with Pluto in Capricorn. Changeable earth harmonizing with initiating earth. This emphasizes that our open-hearted discernment is essential for our empowerment.
The Pluto energy connects back to the seed of this Venus in Capricorn cycle. You may remember that she met up with Pluto several times in December and January. This contact with the Transformer adds an intense challenge to this heroine's journey to reclaim our power from the dominator culture and trust our inner authority above all else. And this means facing all of our fears in that process.
One of the themes of this Venus cycle is to make ambitious moves to fulfill our sacred mission. Who do we need to become to be the skillful guides in service to those who need us at this time of great change? We are here to be the wise ones who bridge the dying world and the new earth not yet born (even if we are not biologically elders yet.)
Pluto's influence at this first invisible portal also may reveal our stories of disempowerment that are rooted in choosing the wrong guide; the people who we trusted who didn't help us on our path to our purpose. They may be echoes from our childhood or be more recent characters who presented themselves in service to our mission yet caused us setbacks or even harm. We may be feeling the sting of these wounds as we deepen.
Yet, in reflection, we may discover that our inner guidance detected at the start that this person was not our true guide. We may have sensed that this person was not in their integrity but didn't fully receive it. ​ We may have ignored the signs and projected our hopes onto them.
This Grandmother Capricorn energy is showing us where we need to grow up and take full responsibility and own what we know. We all need to be leaders in our realm. She is also teaching us that failure is essential for success. Part of this journey to fulfill our mission is to become more intimate with our failure. Kindness allows us to soften to it.
If we can receive the Virgo lesson here at this portal, we are a step closer to becoming that wiser guide. This is critical for our sovereignty.
Venus in Virgo is the pleasure of perfecting. Her devotion is to the inner work of refining oneself, strengthening discernment and engaging in purification at all levels to be ready to meet the “Sacred Other” in the next sign of Libra.
Her archetype is Solitary Earth Queen Who Heals with Plant Medicine. She is whole unto herself. Her fuel is devotion and she needs to serve or she will suffer.
She teaches that healing comes physically from tending to our inner ecosystem, organizing the systems in our homes and connecting with the outer systems of nature. She reminds us that our gut is our second brain and when we build our microbiome we strengthen our internal guidance.
She teaches that healing comes in our relationships when we sort out what is ours and what is not. When we truly "have ourselves" we are immune to our negative conditioning. She helps us digest the old patterns that no longer have vitality and choose the relationships that are truly nutrient-rich.
Since Venus shifted into Virgo on September 4th, you may have found yourself clearing, cleaning, and organizing. She connects us to the pleasure of work.
We are preparing our vessel and our spaces for a very important shift. The meeting of Sacred Other is the opportunity to learn about ourselves through another's perspective. This is the Holy Mirror of the Venus symbol. When we have discernment we choose relationships with those that care about us and that mirroring catalyzes our self-understanding.
We are here at this change of ages to birth a new paradigm on this planet and we are not able to do that alone. Through this assessment of self in Virgo, we gain clarity that allows us to enter into new levels of mutually beneficial partnerships and collaboration in Libra. For many this is not about romance but the bonds of friendship and a shared vision.
We have entered a special New Venus Portal, we are preparing for Venus’s secret meeting with the Sun on October 22nd. She unites with Source for her deepest heart initiation. Human heart meets Cosmic Heart. Their union will open up the Libra Star Point for the first time in over 100 years. This next half of her cycle will include a focus on the art of relating.
Venus shifts into her home sign of Libra in the earliest hour of Thursday, September 29th. I hope you activate your Virgo magic to make a plan to care for your body and clear your space to support yourself in having some deep, nourishing time and stillness in this Underworld phase. The more we engage in the richness of the dark, the more impact we will have in Evening Star phase as we embody our wisdom and share it with others. 

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