Sky Story Update - Sun in Cancer, Mars Meets Chiron

Jun 23, 2022

We are still in a window of sacred time as the wheel of the year turns into the first water sign in the zodiac. Have you made the pre-dawn pilgrimage to see the luminous feast of beauty in the morning sky?

It was beautiful to gather with many of you yesterday.

The Sun illuminates the sign of Cancer is a powerful time to connect with our earliest stories and consider their impact on our current heroine's journey.

Knowing what we need emotionally and learning how to give that to ourselves or ask someone to help us, supports us in healing our mother wound and our sense of disconnection from the feminine. 

We are being asked to bring forth the healthiest version of mother energy into our world through deepening our care for each other, the children in our home or community, and by becoming stewards of the land upon which we live. Even if we don't personally have children, considering their well-being and future is necessary for creating a culture that reveres life.

When we trust in the natural flow of life we anchor the abundance of moving water. Whatever blocks that is like stones in the stream, affecting the flow but unable to stop the cascade.

Venus just left her earthy, sensuous home sign of Taurus and has shifted into flirtatious, airy Gemini. This may support our ability to access more humor and see the lighter side during these challenging times.

The grandmother energy of this Venus cycle, Capricorn, is asking us to grow up and walk as wise beings, no matter our age.

Venus will join the Sun in Cancer at the end of the month. This is the first time they have been in the same sign since she started this cycle in Capricorn in January! In Morning Descent they are moving closer together, moving towards the Underworld. Here, we meet the trials, setbacks, and challenges to our original vision. This is part of the process of purification to discover more of the truth of who we are.

We can learn much from the polarity point of the opposite sign. Cancer represents the most hidden manifestation of our personal power, woven with our history. Capricorn represents the most public manifestation of our social power, woven with our achievements.

If our Cancerian roots are healthy, that water will nourish our inner Tree of Life. Our sacred purpose will blossom with fragrant flowers and bear fruit to be shared with the community.

The Cancer-Capricorn axis connects to parenting and the archetypes of Mother-Father. Many parents are struggling right now to assert their influence with opposing parents or with governments that are making bold moves to usurp their authority. Governments all over the world are making bids for more power and to consolidate power. These moves are the last gasps of the dying dominator culture.

Here in California, we have a number of bills with this aim, most notably, a bill that would allow 12-year-olds to get vaccinated without parental consent. Parents and guardians here have been in full warrior mode to defeat these and other bills that undermine parental bonds with their children and responsibility for their care.

Pluto in Capricorn continues to expose the corruption of our institutions, politicians, government, and corporations. Pluto is relentlessly revealing that which we have not wanted to see about societal power.

The United States has its 246-year anniversary of our current governance structure on July 4th. We are in a particularly transformative time as Pluto returns to the exact position it was in when our government "began," after a revolution to throw off what was considered a tyrannical government.

Venus and Pluto are intimately connected in this cycle emphasizing the deep change that is underway in our bodies as we open to the new feminine frequency. The death of our old identity and familiar structures is necessary.

This Venus in Capricorn cycle brings blessings when we follow our heart's guidance above any external authority. Capricorn loves commitment, maturity, and the discipline to persevere through hardships in order to realize our sacred mission.

We may not see it right away. We may need to do more with less for the moment. In Morning Descent, we meet our failures, as well as the parts of us that are trying to defend who we've been and the way we want to control reality. It's arising to be cleared.

Our job is to keep dreaming the most outrageously beautiful dreams of the emerging new reality. Be sure to give yourself a starring role.

Mars continues to roar through his home sign of Aries catalyzing the healing of the Sacred Masculine from destroyer to protector of life. Jupiter is adding fuel to this fire and will continue to activate in Aries through the rest of this year and beyond. 

Mars just met up with Chiron, the Wounded Healer, and we may have felt that as a punch that triggered our sense of impotence. Where have we not allowed ourselves to be angry, assertive, to use protective force, find our voice or channel fire to stop what needed to be stopped? Where did violence shut down our experience of our sexuality as wholesome and wholly our own? Where have we failed to claim our full aliveness?

If you have your Chiron in Aries and are having your Chiron return (born between 1969-1977) this is a particularly personal initiation into greater self-love. Your wisdom as an elder is needed now. Connecting and learning from mentors older than you with whom you share resonance can support you in bringing your unique gifts.

Chiron was a master holistic healer, alchemist, astrologer, artist, musician, archer, herbalist, and father. The breadth and depth of his studies arose from his quest to heal his own wound. In the process, he enriched his community greatly and touched many lives. Chiron's story is the story of how suffering can break our hearts open to feel our love of life more vividly.

If your life path is related to any of these themes, you may be moved by the energies of Chiron to turn towards the pain to find the gold.

When we connect with our essence, we become more empowered beings, regardless of the content of our story - positive or negative. It's the awakening that is the victory.

Wherever you are and whatever is arising for you now, blessings on your journey at this turn of the wheel.

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