1st Visible New Venus Portal and Eclipse Season Begins

May 12, 2021

Venus has emerged from the Underworld and shines as Evening Star for many. Have you seen her yet?

Today is the first visible New Venus Portal since she went into the Underworld in January. In most places, her meeting with the Moon can be viewed tonight. She has entered her Evening Star Phase.

We entered eclipse season yesterday with the New Moon in Taurus and are now in a window of increased change. If you want to fortify your ability to stay centered during the intensity of this month, I encourage you to experiment with syncing with Venus and the Solar Feminine by honoring the New Venus Portal today.

As Venus climbs higher in the Western Sky after sunset, she invites us to embody our lessons from the deep. We may still be working through our Underworld material. Pay attention to the glimpses of more authentic expressions of yourself and a willingness to shine brighter in who you really are.

The question continues to be; can we navigate this turbulent time with openness and curiosity? Life is presenting problems that we can't solve in the ways we used to. We are being asked to drop deeper than our head for our guidance.

The Sun continues to illuminate Venus' sign of Taurus until May 20th, emphasizing the importance of connection to Earth, beauty, honoring the feminine principle, and the health of our bodies, especially our fertility, which is key to the new age we are entering.

Jupiter, Teacher through Expansion, enters Pisces tomorrow and stays in the sign of compassion until late July. This energy can soften us and support us to access more kindness as we move through the tension of eclipse season.

We need each other on this journey. Kindred spirits will continue to find each other as relationships that are not aligned with continue to fall away. When we connect with the spark of infinity in our being, we are guided on our path forward. We will know which people and places are resonant for us.

When Venus and the Moon meet and open each portal, we have a beautiful opportunity to commune with both the lunar and solar aspects of the feminine together. One holds our history, one inspires our future.

Watch them shine together in the West after sunset. Drop into your heart and receive your present time truth. Sing a sweet song, make an offering of beauty and whisper a wish - perhaps one for yourself and one for humanity.

Venus returned to the sign of Gemini on May 8th for the first time since summer 2020 - the beginning of her current cycle. Venus and the Sun met in Gemini on June 3rd and activated the next level of learning about the Solar Feminine. This energy was initiated on the planet in 2012 when Venus visibly crossed the face of the Sun for the last time in our lifetime.

The Solar Feminine frequency invites us to develop a fresh understanding of the feminine principle and to anchor in the fertile ground of our connection to Source. We are being catalyzed to discover a new way of being that integrates our intuitive, right-brain perspective with our logical left-brained perspective.

The Solar Feminine teaches us that when we resurrect the value of our heart's intelligence, we liberate our genius and are empowered to rise to the challenge of birthing a new culture that honors the interconnection of life. Our heart wisdom is crucial during this time of great disruption and change. 

Look to the houses in your chart that hold Gemini and Sagittarius for clues about where Venus's wisdom and the eclipse energies are landing for you. I encourage you to screenshot the Key Astro Dates for this month and follow along as Mercury is also going retrograde at the end of the month. It's going to be a wild ride!

I've personally experienced benefits when I shifted from orienting to the new and full Moon to syncing with Venus through the new and peak Venus Portals. This new rhythm has supported ease in my menstrual cycles and decreased the overwhelm of emotion that often accompanied the full Moon peak. Many women discovering the wisdom of Venus are reporting the same. You may wish to try it. 


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