Wellspring of Heart: Full Moon Meditation

Jul 13, 2022

I created a meditation for you in the wee hours last night.

I couldn't sleep in the energies of this Super Full Moon in Capricorn. Even though the skies were foggy, I could feel the amp.

I could also feel us as heroines and heroes across the globe awakening to our power as beings of love in the face of the forces of division and domination.

In the depths of night, I felt our collective dreaming strongly. So many of us are participating in the birthing of a new reality.

This initiation must be undertaken alone and yet we are never truly alone. Our connection to source, nature and each other nourish us.

I received this transmission to work with the elemental order of the zodiac to attune to our essence. We move through fire, earth, air and water.

If you want some inspiration to stay connected to your heart today, I hope you will tune into this 30-minute meditation. 

May it support you on your journey. 

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