Venus Wisdom Presents:

A Journey of Heart

January 28th, 2022 - June 30th, 2023

17-Month Initiation into the Venus Mysteries

with the Capricon Cycle

For 21 Visionary Women ready to Embody their Deep Essence and Manifest their Greatest Visions



Visionary collage art by Shannon Stevens for the Venus in Leo Cycle calendar

Join Venus Wisdom
for this series focusing on
Venus in her Underworld Phase
and the Feminine Medicine that is available for you

Class #1 Saturday, May 4th, 12:00-2:00 pm PDT
Venus in Taurus in the Underworld and your inner journey. 

Class #2 Saturday, May 18th, 12:00-2:00 pm PDT
Venus in Taurus in the Underworld and your inner journey 
BONUS: Sound Healing calibrated to Venus in the Undeworld by Vanessa Holliday! 

Class #3 Saturday, June  1st, 12-2:00 pm PDT
Venus in Gemini in the Underworld and your inner journey
Preparation for Venus descending towards her secret union with the Sun on June 4th.

If you are you a woman on your path of purpose who wants to harmonize with the rhythm of Venus to center in your Inner Heroine in these intense times, you want to connect with this medicine 

If you are an entrepreneurial woman with a big vision who wants support to harness the energies of this cycle for a rebirth, this is especially potent   

Overview of the Birth, Initiation and Rebirth
energies of the heroine's journey and how the Venus cycle amplifies our transformational journey

What is Underworld Venus Feminine Medicine
and how can it support us? 

How to consciously activate your Heroine identity 

This series is designed for each class to be a stand alone so you can come for one or all

Register for Class #3 or both and receive the bonus sound healing meditation. 

At these gathering you will receive:

* Astro transmissions on on Venus in her journey in the Sky and the how to work with the energies as she descends towards her secret meeting with the Sun. 

* Music and images to represent the archetypes and current energies. 

* Somatic meditation to drop into your body and heart guidance. 

* Guidance on how to move with the Venus Cycle for your own heroine's journey.    

If you can't make it live, you can receive the recording.

Underworld Venus Feminine Medicine Class #2


You receive:

  • Entry to Underworld Venus Feminine Medicine #2 on Saturday, May 18th at 12:00-2:00 pm Pacific Time.
  • Replay recording if you cannot be there live (Mercury willing).
  • Access to free astrology chart in Whole Sign to find your Venus sign.
  • Secrets of your Venus Sign Guidebook to support you to connect with your Venus sign before the event. 

    If you have not purchased from Venus Wisdom before, you will need to create an account with Kajabi when  you complete your purchase.

Underworld Venus Feminine Medicine Class #3


You receive:

  • Entry to Underworld Venus Feminine Medicine #3 on Saturday, June 1st, 12:00-2:00 pm Pacific Time.
  • Replay recording if you cannot be there live (Mercury willing).
  • Access to free astrology chart to find your Venus sign.
  • Secrets of your Venus Sign Guidebook to support you to connect with your Venus sign before the event. 

    If you have not purchased from Venus Wisdom before, you will need to create an account with Kajabi when  you complete your purchase.

Underworld Venus Feminine Medicine ~ Remaining 2 Classes


You receive:

  • Entry to remaining classes of Underworld Venus Feminine Medicine: Saturdays, May 18th and June 1st, 12:00-2:00pm
  • Replay recording if you cannot be there live (Mercury willing).
  • Access to free astrology chart in Whole Sign to find your Venus sign.
  • Secrets of your Venus Sign Guidebook to support you to connect with your Venus sign before the event. 
  • Bonus Sound Healing from Vanessa Holliday to honor Venus's dive into invisibility. Recording that can continue to be a resource for this Underworld time. 

    If you have not purchased from Venus Wisdom before, you will need to create an account with Kajabi when  you complete your purchase.

Praise for the Venus Wisdom Journey

"I've gained clarity in my mission and being ok with it evolving...not feeling like I am in a corner...and allowing individuality rather than feeling like I have to do what everyone else is doing. The acknowledgment of Aquarius as a guiding star for me has been HUGE!"

~ Kara

"I have more clarity now about my soul’s purpose; what I already knew intuitively had been affirmed and validated… I also understand myself better and appreciate myself more; my self-love has deepened; I’ve become more kind, understanding, and supportive of myself as a result of this work and less critical of myself!"

~ Tracey

"I’m starting to really understand through direct experience how Venus cycles support evolution and the intrinsic value of what she offers, it’s amazing to me that this has always been available to us if we would just tune in and connect. I also appreciate all of the resources you share Sasha. Thank you! "  

~ Julia

I am Sasha Rose, the founder of Venus Wisdom. I am a high dreamer and a deep diver.

My mission is to guide  visionary, entrepreneurial women to consciously sync with the Venus cycle to connect to their heart's guidance, to activate their inner heroine fulfill their sacred mission.  

In 2012, I watched Venus cross the face of the Sun and received a transmission that changed my life and inspired me to embark on the path of an entrepreneur. As someone with a lifelong passion for astrology, I shifted from 2D perspective of studying charts to a 3D perspective that includes the living sky and the planetary cycles. 

I founded Venus Wisdom offer astrology with an emphasis to support women in embodying our deepest feminine intelligence and unique frequency of love and fulfilling our sacred mission. 

Since then, I have developed a unique method for syncing with Venus and mapping our feminine design to support visionary women to embark on our heroine's journey of inner knowing. 

These are precious tools for discovering our deepest feminine intelligence and bringing forward our gifts in these turbulent times. 

If you are a woman with a big vision who wants to lead with heart, you are invited to join us! 


More on the Venus Wisdom Way of harmonizing with Venus in her cycle

Currently we are moving through a Venus in Leo cycle from August 13th, 2023 - March 22nd, 2025. 

When we consciously harmonize with the rhythm of Venus we activate our Inner Heroine and have cosmic support on our journey.

The Solar Feminine was birthed on the planet on June 3rd, 2012 when Venus visibly crossed the face of the Sun for the last time in our lifetime.

The Solar Feminine teaches us Heart-Centered Leadership; how to risk living in the present moment, stabilize in the unknown, consider all possibilities until we receive clarity, and then take the right action for us.

We lead by trusting our heart’s intelligence above all else.

The Sun and Venus together are the union of Fire and Water, Eros and Heart, Light and Love, Source and Body.

A new cycle began on August 13th, 2023 when Venus and Sun united at 20˚ Leo and opened up a new 19 month cycle.

This Stabilizing Fiery Lioness archetype will infuse the entire 19-month cycle.

In the Venus Leo cycle, the sacred feminine lives from the authority of her natural freedom, finds her joy in expressing her creativity and tapping into those gifts to generate resources of all kinds.

Here, she is the Queen of Artistry and enjoying the Pleasure of Shining in her Sovereignty.

Her throne is her knowledge of the original spark of innocence gained through infusion with the Sun’s light.

Her crown is her confidence of the goodness to come as we walk the golden path and her knowledge of herself as infinite being. She is us.

In this cycle, we are invited to learn the power play and creative expression, to take the wisdom of the grandmother from the last cycle and turn our attention towards the children of the future and our own inner child.

Our golden hearts show us the way into a brighter future.
Every month, Venus meets the Moon and opens a New Venus Portal. This is a potent time to attune to the deeper river of our hearts and receive our feelings and inspirations.

We are seeding the New Earth- a global culture based on care, interconnection, and reverence for life and the natural world. We are here to support each other to live our creative gifts and generate resources to support deepest heart’s visions as we heal the sister wound of competition and embrace our unique feminine essence.

Together, we are being initiated into the Leo Venus Star Mysteries to discover our role in this Great Turning.

We are supporting each other to live our creative gifts and generate resources to support our deepest heart’s visions.

This membership is weaving a field of connection while honoring your sovereignty. 

Come to weekly live, gatherings online to connect and tap into the group field with kindred spirits or tune into  later the  materials and be nourished by the wisdom. You can be who you are and where you are.

Assignments are invitations and the learning process spirals so will circle back again. This isn't about pressure or keeping up but being in an intentional field that provides resources to enrich your journey. You will be invited to document and share your stories of heart as you wish.

 Go at your own pace and enjoy the ongoing invitations to relax and tend to your body. Find out when you are inspired to try suggested practices that mirror the energetic invitation of the moment. We want to honor and you as the leader on your path of purpose and encourage you to shine brighter in your gifts. 
✨      ✨      ✨ 

Is this for you?

You love to learn in whatever style you do it. You are curious how the Venus cycle can support you to birth your creative offerings. You appreciate archetypes. You have an interest in systems that inspire self-awareness like astrology, human design, Enneagram. 

You want the real. The organic. The natural. You value honesty, kindness and authenticity. You are disenchanted with the New Age frame, lack of experience and substance in many teachings in the women's spirituality movement. You don't need to be a Goddess, although you may be inspired by them.  You don't want to worship anything outside yourself or feel you have to look or dress a certain way to connect with your spirituality. 

Your personal journey has revealed the deceptions of our current reality. You question the narrative and unfolding events. Yet you have faith in goodness, hold a vision of a more beautiful world and know that you are here to help birth it. 

You want to be in a community where you know you don't have to censor yourself and those around you get you and your truth-loving ways. 

Words of appreciation for the Venus Wisdom journey... 

"I’m starting to really understand through direct experience how Venus cycles support evolution and the intrinsic value of what she offers, it’s amazing to me that this has always been available to us if we would just tune in and connect. I also appreciate all Of the resources you share Sasha. Thank you! Also working with my Scorpio Venus Star that holds everything… this just makes so much sense to me and allows me to just relax into my deep scorpionic ways."
~ JS