Welcome to The Aquarian High Council!

If you're a visionary, artist, creative, dreamer, rebel, healer, or free-thinker who loves astrology, you are in the right spot!

We are living through incredible and transitional times. Many perceive that we have crossed into the Age of Aquarius or are on the threshold. 

This summit is a gathering of the tribe – our astro-tribe of Plutonian deep-divers, Neptunian visionaries, Uranian rebels, Chirotic mavericks, Eris-ian outliers, and exiles… Those who have seen through the veil of illusion, the spell cast upon the collective these past few years, and who are committed to co-creating a new reality based on the high-vibe Aquarian values of truth, love, and freedom.

Reemerging from this time of isolation, we are holding the intention of catalyzing connection and community. Our summit will include not only interviews and panel discussions, but also opportunities for participants to connect with one another.

Our astrologers will offer big-picture, practical guidance for navigating the current and upcoming cosmic tides of change.

Potential topics:

  • The turning of the ages – what is this shift asking of us individually, and how can we each contribute to the highest possible future?

  • Pluto’s move into Aquarius – how to support humanity’s awakening and coming together in community, and counter the trend toward more extreme abuse and control via technology?

  • Saturn joining Neptune in Pisces – will we crystallize delusional tendencies or claim our authority to manifest a new dream?

  • Uranus in Taurus – radical body sovereignty and awakening to nature’s inherent advanced technology – or the merging of the body and natural world with AI?

  • Chiron in Aries – stepping into our power as spiritual warriors to protect Life or getting lost in victim consciousness?

To bring together and strengthen the power of the courageous few in the astro-world who have seen through the veil of illusion. Our intention is to provide a forum for deeper astrological conversations to illuminate truth, identify resources to alchemize the intensity of these times, and inspire new solutions to co-create the higher Aquarian timeline.

We consider this summit a gathering of the tribe – our astro-tribe of Plutonian deep-divers, Neptunian visionaries, Uranian rebels, Chirotic mavericks, Eris-ian  outliers and exiles…those on the fringe with a different perspective to share about the astrology of this time.

Emily Trinkaus & Sasha Rose

Emily Trinkaus
fell in love with astrology at age 13 and has been a passionate student of the cosmic science ever since. She has practiced professionally since 1999, and offers online classes and personal readings to people around the world. She also has a background in energy medicine, which infuses her approach to astrology as a healing art.

Emily also led creative writing workshops for two decades, and her writing has been featured in The Mountain Astrologer magazine, and on Tarot.com, JanSpiller.com, and other sites. Combining her devotion to creative pursuits with her love of astrology, she authored Creating With the Cosmos: An Astrological Guide to Awakening and Enhancing Creative Power.

Emily hosts the Embodied Aquarian Age podcast, featuring conversations with astrologers, healers and other visionaries to support our awakening as organic, embodied humans through this time of transition.


Sasha Rose founded Venus Wisdom in 2012 to offer astrology in relationship to the living sky and as support in embodying our inner wisdom. She has been studying astrology for 30 years and offering consultations for 18.  For the past 10 years, she has studied the Venus cycle and developed a unique map and method for syncing with Venus as a tool of empowerment and liberation in these increasingly uncertain times. 

She was honored to be a featured astrologer for 2020 on the Astrology Hub. She created HEROINE: Journey of Heart to guide visionary, heart-centered women into an initiation through syncing with Venus and activating their inner heroine. 

She also produced the "Re-Dream the World in the Age of Aquarius" summit in 2021.